Thursday, April 18, 2019

Karl Rove: Months of Democrats demanding redacted Mueller report ahead

Republican strategist Karl Rove doesn’t see Thursday’s Mueller report release as the end of a the Trump-Russia collusion narrative, he sees it as “the beginning of the next chapter”
“I wish I believed it was their last gasp. I think tomorrow is the beginning of the next chapter,” Rove said on “Hannity.”
Attorney General William Barr is set to hold a 9:30 a.m. news conference Thursday accompanied by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ahead of the Justice Department's planned release of a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election
“I think it is going to be first and foremost focusing on…  they want the entire document and that's going lead then to charges that he obstructed justice and then it's going to be ‘Katie bar the door.’”
Rove added, “It's going to be months and months in my opinion of demanding a completely unredacted copy of it.”
President Trump has reportedly prepared a retort and Democrats including Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are unhappy with roll out.
“AG Barr has thrown out his credibility & the DOJ’s independence with his single-minded effort to protect @realDonaldTrump above all else. The American people deserve the truth, not a sanitized version of the Mueller Report approved by the Trump Admin,” Nancy Pelosi tweeted Wednesday.
Rove noted that Democrats will not be satisfied with tomorrow’s redacted report and will continue to promote their narrative.
“People like Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler are going to be calling for the immediate and total release of everything. You see it in the language of Nancy Pelosi who says that Barr is usurping the responsibility of Congress. Congress is supposed to be the judge and jury, not our legal system,” Rove told Sean Hannity.

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