Monday, April 29, 2019

New York Times apologizes again for 'offensive' Trump, Netanyahu cartoon that 'included anti-Semitic tropes'

The New York Times Opinion section issued a second apology Sunday over a cartoon of President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which was called offensive because of "anti-Semitic tropes."
"We are deeply sorry for the publication of an anti-Semitic political cartoon last Thursday in the print edition of The New York Times that circulates outside of the United States, and we are committed to making sure nothing like this happens again," the opinion section tweeted Sunday.
"Such imagery is always dangerous, and at a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, it's all the more unacceptable," continued the apology, which was widely shared on Twitter.
The new apology said that the decision to run the syndicated cartoon was made by a single editor working without adequate oversight.
The cartoon showed Trump wearing a pair of sunglasses and being led by a dog depicted as Netanyahu. The dog had a Star of David collar. The cartoon appeared in the paper’s opinion section next to a column penned by Thomas Friedman.
The political cartoon was criticized globally by numerous social media users, who said the Times' first statement was inadequate.
The original apology read, “A political cartoon in the international print edition of The New York Times on Thursday included anti-Semitic tropes, depicting the prime minister of Israel as a guide dog with a Star of David collar leading the president of the United States, shown wearing a skullcap. The image was offensive, and it was an error of judgment to publish it. It was provided by The New York Times News Service and Syndicate, which has since deleted it.”
In an op-ed published online Sunday evening, Times columnist Bret Stephens took his employer to task, writing that the cartoon "in another age, might have been published in the pages of Der Stürmer," a virulently anti-Semitic tabloid published during Germany's Nazi regime.
"The problem with the cartoon isn’t that its publication was a willful act of anti-Semitism. It wasn’t," Stephens wrote. "The problem is that its publication was an astonishing act of ignorance of anti-Semitism .... at a publication that is otherwise hyper-alert to nearly every conceivable expression of prejudice, from mansplaining to racial microaggressions to transphobia."
Stephens added that the Times owed Netanyahu an apology and should reflect on "how it came to publish that cartoon — and how its publication came, to many longtime readers, as a shock but not a surprise."

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