Thursday, May 9, 2019

CNN's Don Lemon agrees US faces 'constitutional crisis,' views Trump impeachment as 'remedy'

"CNN Tonight" anchor Don Lemon seemed to board the impeachment train Wednesday, predicting that Democratic lawmakers will actually go after President Trump and suggesting it could be the "remedy" for what some Democrats have called a "constitutional crisis."
"Ever wonder what a constitutional crisis looks like? Well, open your eyes," Lemon began his monologue, echoing the declaration of House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y. "The president of the United States is just blowing right through our system of checks and balances, the very thing that is supposed to keep our Congress, the Judicary, and the Executive Branch working, which means our country working. He is engaging in an ongoing coverup by defying at every turn the representatives of you, the American people, the very people who are supposed to be investigating fact-finding on our behalf."
Lemon then interviewed Nadler about his committee's vote to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt for allegedly failing to comply with their requests regarding further disclosure of the Mueller report and asked what was the "remedy" to a constitutional crisis.
"Well, we don't exactly know what the remedy to [a] constitutional crisis [is,] other than the application of law," Nadler responded before listing all the ways he believed the Trump administration was being "lawless."
"Why is that remedy not impeachment?" Lemon asked.
"It may come to that if the president keeps up with this conduct, but we'll see," Nadler answered.
During a panel discussion, Lemon congratulated himself for predicting that Democrats would eventually pursue impeachment.
"I hate to pat myself on the back, but I've said since pretty early on -- a couple of weeks ago -- it appears that ... the ball is rolling toward impeachment, that the Democrats have no other choice and do this," Lemon said. "They either ignore the rule of law or -- because then they too may look like they're allowing the president to just run roughshod over them and over the Constitution."
"How can Democrats like Nadler say that this is a constitutional crisis, but then not use the tool they have to stop a constitutional crisis?" Lemon later asked.
Lemon went on to clarify that he thought the "momentum" was heading toward impeachment but did not specifically predict that Democrats would be successful.

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