Saturday, May 11, 2019

Concha: Some press covering Trump's leaked tax returns showing 'the worst kind of bias'

Media reporter Joe Concha said Friday that some of those in the media who are covering the contents of President Trump's 1985-1994 tax returns are exhibiting "the worst kind of bias."
Concha said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that many outlets are expressing a "bias of omission" in neglecting to report that New York City newspapers and other outlets comprehensively reported on those turbulent times for the former real estate mogul.
"You don't get the other side of the story, which is [that] he was very transparent about it on TV and in books," Concha said. "You're being sold a bill of goods here that this is a new revelation - when it was anything but new."
Concha added that anyone who watched "The Apprentice" would've seen the opening segment, in which Trump spoke about losing billions of dollars and yet was able to "come back."
"This was his whole story," Carlson said. "He bragged about it endlessly... This was his redemption story."
Concha said that the reporting on the tax returns often exhibited the same "means to an end" mentality that was prevalent in the aftermath of the 2016 "Access Hollywood" tape leak.
On that recording, which was recorded several years prior, Trump is heard making coarse remarks about women to Billy Bush
"Everybody concentrated, and rightly so, on the contents of [the tape]. But then there was another part of that story: How exactly did that tape get out of NBC and into the hands of the Washington Post, two days before a presidential debate...," Concha said.

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