Monday, May 20, 2019

Pres. Trump Responds to Rep. Amash’s Impeachment Call

President Trump is firing back at GOP Representative Justin Amash after he accused the President of obstructing justice.
In a message to Twitter Sunday, President Trump called the lawmaker a total ‘lightweight’ who only opposes Republican ideas to make his name known.
This comes after Amash made headlines Saturday for becoming the first GOP Congressman to signal for impeachment.
He also accused the Attorney General of ‘deliberately misrepresent(ing) Mueller’s report.’
While the Special Counsel’s report conclusively found no collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russians, House Democrats are still largely divided on impeachment.
The lawmaker has been a vocal critic of the Administration, and voted with a Democrat majority in February to overturn the President’s Emergency Declaration at the U.S.-Mexico border, A move which was unsuccessful.

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