Thursday, May 23, 2019

President Trump rejects Pelosi allegations of ‘cover-up,’ infrastructure meeting cut short / Pelosi's San Francisco poop

President Donald Trump delivers a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House, Wednesday, May 22, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Trump recently addressed the Mueller investigation and the Democrats for continuing investigations into his administration.
In the Rose Garden Wednesday, the president reiterated there was no Russian collusion. He cited the Mueller report, saying he has been one of the most transparent president’s in the country’s history.
Instead, the president insisted this was all an attempt to take him down, adding, the crime was committed on the other side by Democrats.
This comes after the House Speaker said “we believe the president of the United States is engaged in a cover up.” The president rejected Pelosi’s allegations:
“And I said let’s have the meeting on infrastructure, we’ll get that done easily. That’s one of the easy ones. And instead of walking in happily into a meeting I walk in to look at people that had just said that I was doing a cover up. I don’t do cover ups. You people know that probably better than anybody.”
The president is demanding Democrats end what he called their “phony investigations” before he will negotiate with them on issues like infrastructure.

Nancy should clean up her own backyard before talking about someone else.

San Francisco was once considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.. Now, business are leaving in droves, with the homeless literally taking over this once vibrant city.
The streets are littered with trash, drug needles, and “poop”… Yes, human feces…  So, how did the city once known for it’s beauty and cleanliness go from being one of California’s most prized possessions to a slum filled with drug addicts, and homeless, and sanctuary status seekers?
Liberalism has turned the city once known for it’s cable cars and the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge, into the city where it is only safe for illegal aliens, for the homeless to use as their personal toilet, and criminals to find safe harbor.

It’s Not Just San Francisco – Every Major City Run By Liberals Turns Into a Ghetto Slum

Cities all across America, that are run by liberal democrats seem to fall apart.  Baltimore, Philadelphia, San Francisco, etc.. etc.. have all been run by elected liberal democrats for years but the problem only seems to get worse.
San Francisco’s fall from grace has been more recent and the rapid recession of the city has been fueled by being well known as a Sanctuary City.. Illegal Aliens flood into the city every day to find safety.  However, do they contribute anything to the welfare of the city?  No, the homeless problems get worse..
“Pooping in the streets” does not seem like this would be acceptable in a civilized society.  They now have “Pooping Zones” where it is legal to use the city as your personal toilet.  So, how does San Francisco combat this problem?  Well, for the longest time they have did nothing.. They have ignored the problem.
Nancy Pelosi has represented the 12th district of California since 2013.  Coincidentally, this is about the time when San Francisco’s homeless / drugs / and diseased streets has exasperated drastically.  Perhaps, liberal ideology isn’t the answer?  However, now that the city is a Sanctuary safe haven for illegals and criminals fleeing prosecution how do you combat this problem?
An NBC Bay Area did an investigation and found  dangerous concoction of drug needles, garbage, and feces lining the streets of downtown San Francisco. The Investigative Unit surveyed more than 150 blocks, including some of the city’s top tourist destinations, and discovered conditions that are now being compared to some of the worst slums in the world.
They observed 153 city blocks that stretched for 20 miles in San Francisco..  They found that 96 out of those 153 blocks were soiled with piles of human feces.  Not only did they observe (they finally caved into pressure to investigate) the “human pooping” in the streets, they also found 41 of the blocks had used drug needles laying in the streets where children play and walk to school.
Does this sound like the beautiful San Francisco Bay photos that you have seen on postcards?  Likely not…
First you might say, that the investigation only covered the dirties part’s of the city.. This would be a false assumption because they covered some of the most popular tourist spots in SF.
The Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of the city – the more than 20-mile stretch includes popular tourist spots like Union Square and major hotel chains. The area – bordered by Van Ness Avenue, Market Street, Post Street and Grant Avenue – is also home to City Hall, schools, playgrounds, and a police station.
Here is a very telling chart of the human waste and rise in drug needle usage in SF that Nancy Pelosi and Governor Jerry Brown have helped contribute to. This is the result of “Sanctuary Status” cities in America..  Turning a once beautiful city into one large slum that has businesses and homeowners fleeing the area.
san francisco pooping in streets, drug needles in san francisco streets, rise of
There is no logic when your city’s policies are based on liberalism.  In 2016-2017 the City Budget was 60.1 million dollars for environmental services.  The 60 million dollars was supposed to be used to clean the streets, removing graffiti, repairing public buildings, maintaining bridges, plazas, tunnels and more..  However, due to the homeless “pooping in the streets” and drug needles littering the sidewalks, the Public Works program has been spending 30 million, 50% of the budget on cleaning human feces, dirty needles and homeless encampment areas.
Public buildings, bridges, tunnels, street repairs etc.. have largely been ignored.  Over time the once beautiful infrastructure of San Francisco will inevitably decay and turn into the slums similar to third world countries.
Third world countries?  Is San Francisco really getting that bad?
Dr. Lee Riley, who has researched conditions of the World’s poorest slums had this to say :
“If you do get stuck with these disposed needles you can get HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and a variety of other viral diseases,” said Dr. Lee Riley, an infectious disease expert at University of California, Berkeley. He warned that once fecal matter dries, it can become airborne, releasing potentially dangerous viruses, such as the rotavirus. “If you happen to inhale that, it can also go into your intestine,” he said. The results can prove fatal, especially in children.
Do we have a problem yet? Not only is San Francisco comparable to 3rd world countries, but it is even worse in many cases.  Dr. Lee said :
“The contamination is … much greater than communities in Brazil or Kenya or India,” he said. He notes that in those countries, slum dwellings are often long-term homes for families and so there is an attempt to make the surroundings more livable. Homeless communities in San Francisco, however, are often kicked out from one part of town and forced to relocate to another. The result is extreme contamination, according to Riley.
dirty needles on san francisco streets, dirty needles in sf

Now, the kicker to all of this is, the liberal answer to this social / financial / environmental disaster is to build more housing for the homeless.  All at the taxpayers expense (not that California citizen’s haven’t been taxed enough already).  California Lawmakers plan is to impose a 3 billion dollar new program to address this crisis.  Basically more taxes, free housing for illegal aliens, vagrants, and criminals fleeing criminal prosecution.. Where safety abounds in SF, at the expense of the taxpayers expense and the safety of it’s citizens.
Our Takeaway?
Well, first of all San Francisco needs to wake up.  Liberal ideology is not the answer.  Democrat leadership has done nothing but turn your city into a slum.  A dangerous slum at that..  Human feces in the street can spread disease which can quickly turn into a plague for a city.  Dirty needles where children play and walk to school is unacceptable for any city in America.  Either stand up and make a change in your community, or watch SF fall further into decay as a third world country community.  Socialism isn’t the answer. San Francisco is glaring proof of this.

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