Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hannity: John Brennan and others must be held accountable

Fox News host Sean Hannity blasted former CIA chief John Brennan Monday saying he pushed the "dirty dossier" authored by Christopher Steele.
"At the very same time, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton's dirty Russian dossier with Russian lies, misinformation, propaganda was allegedly being pushed by then CIA Director, a guy by the name of John Brennan," Hannity said on his television show.
Hannity pointed out that everything he believes Brennan did that influenced the Russia investigation happened under the Obama administration's watch.
"All of this happened on Obama and sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe's watch, not Donald Trump's. Brennan, now a paid official 24/7 Trump hater, on conspiracy TV MSNBC... he should be very worried tonight. He has previously called the president treasonous. But tonight it looks far more likely, far more plausible that in fact, it was Brennan who used his huge power and influence at the Central Intelligence Agency to spread lies, propaganda, misinformation, to influence a presidential election," Hannity said.
Hannity added, "How deep this goes we won't find out and it is not just Brennan who needs to be held accountable."
The Fox News host also made it clear how powerful the nation's intelligence community is but noted how it was important it is that they are not "weaponized" politically.
"Now, we do entrust what is absolutely, positively -- I'm proud of this because we need them. The world's single most powerful tools of intelligence to protect us against many enemies both foreign and domestic. Those enemies are real," Hannity said.
"These powerful tools, however, are never to be weaponized against the American people for or political opponents or political campaigns."

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