Thursday, June 20, 2019

NBC’s Chuck Todd calls out AOC over 'concentration camps' comment: 'Some things are bigger than partisanship’

NBC "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd called out U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for doing migrants “a tremendous disservice” by comparing U.S. detention camps at the U.S.-Mexico border to Nazi concentration camps.
Todd said Wednesday that Nazi death and concentration camps are “not comparable in the slightest” to what’s going on at the border.
“You can call our government’s detention of migrants at our southern border many things depending on how you see it. It’s a stain on our nation, maybe. A necessary evil to others,” Todd said. “But do you know what you can’t call it?” he asked, before airing a clip of Ocasio-Cortez’s controversial remarks.
Todd said the New York Democrat's use of the term “concentration camps” only distracts from the debate on how to resolve the humanitarian crisis at the southern border.
Todd also criticized other Democrats, such as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York, who were reluctant to condemn Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks.
“One of the lessons of the Holocaust is ‘Never Again,’ Nadler tweeted Tuesday. “We fail to learn that lesson when we don’t callout such inhumanity right in front of us.”
“Why are we so sheepish calling out people we agree with politically these days?” Todd asked viewers. He claimed the issue exists on both sides of the aisle — among both Republicans and Democrats.
"Are we really so ensconced in our political bubbles, liberal versus conservative, that we cannot talk about right versus wrong anymore? Some things are bigger than partisanship, or at least they used to be."

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