Saturday, June 15, 2019

Sean Spicer: Press blaming Sarah Sanders for their reduction in airtime

Three Years Later and the Liberal Media is still CRYING.

Outgoing White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is getting undue criticism because a reduction in daily briefings doesn't give TV reporters more personal airtime, a Sanders predecessor claimed Friday.
President Trump is one of the best-accessible presidents when it comes to engaging with reporters and their critiques are unfounded, Sean Spicer said on Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle."
"The president has been so much more accessible and engages so much more" than past presidents, Spicer said. "I think the briefings serve a utility. They should occur, but maybe not on a daily basis."
"As you saw with Sarah, she's out there ... all the time on camera, talking to the press," Spicer added. "They don't like it as much because it doesn't work as well for their cable contracts and their YouTube views and things like that."
Spicer claimed that reporters prefer formal White House press briefings because, "They can make it about them."
He and fellow guest Ari Fleischer -- who served as press secretary under former President George W. Bush -- added that the job of press secretary is so much more than just holding briefings and making public statements.
"There is a facilitation of access and interviews to other government officials, to information that's coming in and out of the White House, whether it's personnel, events or policies. So, the press office is very busy all day long," Spicer said.
Fleischer said a good press secretary is a "happy warrior" who is close to the president and will stand by him.
On Thursday, Trump announced that Sanders will be leaving her position at the end of the month.
"After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas," Trump said.
"She is a very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job! I hope she decides to run for Governor of Arkansas - she would be fantastic. Sarah, thank you for a job well done!"

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