Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hannity: Dems abusing their power, guilty of 'presidential harassment'

Fox News' host Sean Hannity said Wednesday he has had enough of House Democrats abusing their power calling their investigations into President Trump and Russia "presidential harassment."
"There is no more ambiguity. There's no questions to ask anymore. House Democrats. They're now conducting what is the fifth and sixth investigation into collusion, so-called collusion, that didn't happen," Hannity said on his television show Wednesday.
"The only collusion that happened was Hillary Clinton's dirty dossier. That's how Democrats are spending your tax dollars. This is nothing more at this point than presidential harassment and an abuse of power by them."
Hannity blasted Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and accused them of bankrupting "innocent Americans."
"People like Nadler and the cowardly Schiff leading these brand new probes wasting the country's time and they're now having innocent American citizens that have to once again lawyer up they're going bankrupt in some cases as they're called to answer the same questions for a fourth fifth and sixth time," Hannity said.
"And by the way every time they answer they better answer it perfectly the way they did the last time or else they'll determine that that's perjury. They'll get charged with that and they'll need more lawyers."
The radio host advised those testifying before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees to plead the fifth in order to avoid legal costs and stand up to Democrats.
"My advice to all of those people that willingly testified to Congress that cooperated with the Mueller probe. You know you can plead the Fifth and you know what. It won't cost you a dime. You don't have to hire any more lawyers and you can stand up to this abuse of power," Hannity said.
Hannity also called Nadler and Schiff "content creators" for cable news channel MSNBC.
"Nadler and Schiff they're no longer lawmakers this isn't oversight. This is now them merely can content creators for [MSNBC] and 'Roswell' Rachel Maddow's nonstop anti-Trump conspiracy hours," Hannity said.

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