Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Raymond Arroyo: American pride should never diminish

Fox News' Raymond Arroyo guest hosted "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday and gave a concise explanation on why pride in America has decreased in recent years and what America's past will teach citizens as they approach the future.
"Obviously partisanship is accelerating this dwindling pride in the country and frankly it shouldn't. No matter who's elected president, no matter who's calling the shots in Congress that should in no way disturb our love of country," Arroyo said referencing a Gallup poll showing pride the country at an all time low.
"The freedoms we enjoy, the prosperity all around us, the liberty that we too often take for granted. Part of our problem is there's so little that unites us today."
Arroyo criticized those that have disparaged the founders and history of America, claiming that these actions have eroded the one thing that united this diverse nation.
"This was a republic founded on an ideal not blood or race but an ideal of freedom and self governance. It was predicated on morality and common purpose. But over the last few decades we have run down the reputation of the founders, disparaged even the founding itself and strafed our own history. Today we're fighting over Betsy Ross' flag," Arroyo said, referencing a Wall Street Journal report that former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick asked Nike to shelve a shoe featuring the Betsy Ross version of the American flag because it was racist.
The Fox Nation personality argued that scrutinizing history would only further divide the country.
"This self-loathing to this destructive cultural crusade to strike the memory of any individual that fails to measure up to the shifting mores of the day will only further divide us and hasten our forgetting of self," Arroyo said.
"History is made by human beings who are by their nature flawed and broken and admit their failings are great lessons that cannot and should not be forgotten."
Arroyo said that what makes us proud to be American is overcoming our shortcomings.
"We owe it to our children to offer them the whole American story the good, the bad, the sins and the glory. How else will they learn how to avoid in the future or to emulate. And what to be proud of as Americans," Arroyo said.

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