Saturday, August 3, 2019

AOC says she finds 'common ground' with some in GOP -- then slams Liz Cheney

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Friday that she finds “common ground” with some members of the Republican Party -- but criticized the GOP for becoming a “political mob.”
The New York Democrat made the comments during one of her now-signature Instagram live streams where she answered questions from viewers as she cooked food.
“There are quite a few Republican viewpoints that I actually share and I think there are a lot of places where I have common ground. I actually think I have a lot of common ground with many libertarian viewpoints in their party,” Ocasio-Cortez said.
“There are quite a few Republican viewpoints that I actually share and I think there are a lot of places where I have common ground. I actually think I have a lot of common ground with many libertarian viewpoints in their party.”
— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
She then began listing some of the libertarian viewpoints with which she agrees.
“True libertarians, which many happen to be in the Republican Party, true libertarian viewpoints are pro-immigration. So that's one,” she said.
“Another is that I'm quite anti-interventionist. ... I'm anti-war and so from the perspective of small government, there are Republicans who are very consistently anti-war and anti-military spending. So I do tend to find a lot of common ground with them on that.”
The comment came just before Ocasio-Cortez fired off a tweet at Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who criticized Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren. The New Yorker dismissed Cheney's views based on the foreign policies of her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney.
"MFW *Liz Cheney* of all people tries to offer foreign policy takes, as if an entire generation hasn’t lived through the Cheneys sending us into war since we were kids," she tweeted.
She added during the live stream that she finds a common cause with libertarian Republicans when it comes to opposing government surveillance and other measures that violate privacy rights and other civil liberties.
She later reiterated her sympathy to certain Republican viewpoints on Twitter, saying she finds common ground on issues such as “Ending needless war & curbing exploding military spending,” “Protecting civil liberties & privacy rights” and “Holding bad contractors accountable.”
But despite her comments, Ocasio-Cortez also slammed the party, criticizing it for shifting away from an ideological purity.
“The Republican Party in Congress is no longer ideological conservative, they are kind of this political mob,” she said.
“You can't count on them to reliably hold certain views anymore because they will advance certain views if it helps the president but then abandon those same principles if it doesn't help the president.”
Earlier this year, both Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, found common ground on the issue allowing the sale of birth control over the counter and banning members of Congress from becoming lobbyists.

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