Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ingraham: Liberals 'rooting against America' because they're 'furious' they might lose in 2020

Fox News' Laura Ingraham took on members of the Democratic Party for what she said was "rooting against America" and disparaging supporters of President Trump, and said the left is largely "furious" they may lose the 2020 election to the New York Republican.
"Rooting against America, referring to millions of voters as 'deplorables' or 'racists' or bigot-coddlers is not the language of a confident optimistic party," she said Monday on "The Ingraham Angle."
"It is the language of people who are furious that they could lose another presidential election," she said.
Ingraham said Democrats were hoping former Special Counsel Robert Mueller would be a key figure in their attempts to damage the president, as the Russia investigation concluded.
"Trump's reckoning -- they were confident -- would be delivered by the highly respected prosecutor Bob Mueller. In other words, the 2020 election would be a 'gimme' for any Democrat," she said.
More recently, Democrats have lodged racism claims against the president, she said.
"The crestfallen Dems decided to go all-in on the race issue. "The Angle" told you this would happen. Using bogus charges of racism, the left has a goal of blunting any momentum the president may have with minority voters in 2020."
"The president condemned white nationalists in Charlottesville and El Paso," she added. However, she pointed to three 2020 Democratic hopefuls who have invoked the race issue.
When a CNN anchor asked former Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-Texas, whether the president is a "white nationalist," the ex-lawmaker answered in the affirmative.
In another interview, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee declared it is "time to get white nationalism out of the White House."
In Ingraham's third example, South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg was asked whether it is a "racist act" to vote for Trump in 2020.
The 37-year-old responded that "at best, it means looking the other way on racism."
Summing up the clips, Ingraham said some of the commentaries from the left shows Trump supporters are becoming occasional subjects of ridicule.
"The new Democratic playbook requires the relentless demonization of American history, including the founders, and now the American people themselves -- at least the ones who support Trump."

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