Friday, September 27, 2019

Mark Levin slams 'rogue' CIA whistleblower, claims no first-hand source filed a complaint

Mark Levin blasted what he called a "rogue CIA agent's" whistleblower complaint against President Trump over his phone call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky.
Levin said the complaint should be taken lighter than it is, claiming Thursday on "Hannity" that no individual with first-hand knowledge of the call's contents filed the same inquiry.
"A CIA agent who is a policy guy for Ukraine can't write something like this," he said.
Levin, a constitutional law attorney by trade, claimed the complaint appeared to be written by someone with legal experience rather than a member of the intelligence community.
"I want to know who this [person] spoke to," he said. "He knew nothing... Isn't it funny -- not a single one of the people with firsthand knowledge [of the call] filed a whistleblower complaint?"
Levin then turned to the hearing on the matter chaired by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., demanding the Burbank lawmaker release his own past phone records.
"Mr. Schiff, why don't you release 90 days of your phone calls, 90 days of your texts," he said.
In addition, he called on Senate Republicans -- in a chamber where they hold the majority -- to act in a way he called similar to Schiff and Democrats like Reps. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., and Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and issue subpoenas on the matter.
"Where the hell are the Republican chairmen in the Senate -- why aren't they issuing subpoenas -- issue your 100 subpoenas, go after their bank accounts, go after their friends," he said.
"If they don't go for it, hold them in contempt."
He also demanded investigations into Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Richard Durbin, D-Ill, and Robert Menendez, D-N.J. for reportedly insisting the Ukrainian government not close probes seen as critical to the Russia investigation.
"You have another one, Chris Murphy from Connecticut, who insisted the Ukrainian government not investigate Biden," he added.
At a press conference in New York on Wednesday, Trump specifically called attention to a little-discussed CNN report from May, which described how Menendez, Durbin and Leahy pushed Ukraine’s top prosecutor not to close four investigations perceived as critical to then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe -- and, by Democrats' current logic, seemingly implied that their support for U.S. aid to Ukraine was at stake.
"The Democrats have done what they're accusing me of doing," Trump said.
Senator Chris Murphy literally threatened the president of Ukraine that if he doesn't do things right, they won't have Democrat support in Congress," Trump added.
That was a reference to the Connecticut Democrat's comments at a bipartisan meeting in Kiev earlier this month, when Murphy called U.S. aid the “most important asset” of Ukraine -- then issued a warning.
Fox News' Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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