Friday, September 6, 2019

San Francisco's branding of NRA as terror organization panned by Washington Post, LA Times

Two columnists on opposite coasts didn’t mince words Thursday in disagreeing with a San Francisco Board of Supervisors resolution labeling the National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization.
Los Angeles Times columnist Michael McGough said the label may be good politics but is “irresponsible.”
"It’s not the business of a county board of supervisors to designate terror organizations," he wrote, adding that it's also a First Amendment concern if officials try to blacklist contractors who work with the NRA.
"It’s not the business of a county board of supervisors to designate terror organizations."
— Michael McGough, Los Angeles Times columnist
Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen called the resolution “McCarthyism: pure and simple.”
“Words matter,” he wrote, “and there are few words that stigmatize a person faster than calling him or her a terrorist.”
He said that for the NRA is be a terrorist organization, it would have to “intentionally encourage and support the use of violent attacks on U.S. citizens with the intent of creating general fear so as to force submission to its political agenda.”
“The NRA clearly does not do that,” he said, sarcastically adding, "Congratulations, average NRA member: Your $30 one-year membership makes you a terrorist."
He called the resolution “slanderous” and “harmful” and said it worsens the already toxic political environment.
He wrote that Republicans are often asked to call out outrageous comments made by those on the right and now liberals must do the same.
“Democrats should immediately denounce the San Francisco board for its insulting and unconstitutional resolution,” he said in closing.
“Democrats should immediately denounce the San Francisco board for its insulting and unconstitutional resolution.”
— Henry Olsen, Washington Post columnist
The board passed the resolution Tuesday, urging the federal government to do the same after a recent spate of mass shootings across the country.

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