Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Project Veritas drops CNN exposé

The tables appear to be turning on CNN as a whistleblower launches bombshell allegations of bias against the network. In its latest investigative piece, Project Veritas claims to expose the anti-Trump culture at the highest levels of the news outlet. The organization worked with a CNN contractor who helped gather evidence, including secret recordings at editorial meetings.
The first clip, released Monday, features a man who is allegedly CNN President Jeff Zucker telling staffers he wants them to focus on the president’s impeachment. The video also shows Nick Neville, a media coordinator at CNN, acknowledging Zucker’s negative stance toward the president is personal.
Project Veritas shared a clip of Zucker talking about the forthcoming leaks on a morning call just before its release, confirming the source was an insider. The whistleblower has now been identified as Cary Poarch, who said he decided to secretly record meetings at the network to expose the bias.
Conservative political activist and Project Veritas organizer James O”Keefe took to Twitter to call for support for the insider, calling him a “patriot. Poarch has set up a GoFundMe page in which he plans to use for any legal challenges he may now face.

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