Sunday, October 20, 2019

Report: Hunter Biden, business partner profited off his position at oil company

OAN Newsroom
A new report has alleged that Hunter Biden received tens of thousands of dollars over a year and a half period from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. Biden reportedly used his position at the company to defer $3.4 million to a company run by his business associate Devon Archer.
Between April 2014 and November 2015, Biden and Archer were each paid $83,000 monthly for “consulting services” between the two firms. The report went on to claim Burisma’s founder hired Biden to protect the company from persecution.
This comes after a former State Department official told Congress this week he raised concerns about Biden’s business dealings in the past. George Kent said he warned White House officials in 2015 about how Hunter Biden’s position could look like a conflict of interest. Vice President Joe Biden was overseeing cancer treatments for his son Beau at the time and Kent’s warning fell by the wayside.
President Trump responded to Kent’s testimony on Friday.
“They brought (Kent) him in as a witness against me…and he excoriated, from what they reported on the news,” said the president. “He excoriated the Obama administration…, saying that has tremendous problems with Joe Biden’s son and the Ukraine.”
Hunter Biden has since admitted that his decision to be a part of Burisma while his father was in office was “poor judgement.” Going into the 2020 election season, both Bidens have sworn to avoid further business dealings and associations with foreign firms. They both deny allegations of any wrongdoing.

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