Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reports: Burisma lobbied Obama-era State Dept. to pressure Ukraine to fire top prosecutor

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:50 PM PT — Tuesday, November 5, 2019
New documents have revealed a massive lobbying effort at the Obama-era State Department by Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The newly released State Department documents show Joe Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor back in 2016, which is about a month after Burisma reached out to the agency.
The company employed Biden’s son Hunter and was under an investigation by prosecutor Viktor Shokin at the time. Ukraine suspected Burisma executives of money laundering and corruption.
Republican lawmakers have said the so-called whistleblower may have ties to Biden’s alleged corruption schemes.
“The whistleblower, actually, is a material witness completely separate from being the whistleblower because he worked for Joe Biden. He worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was receiving $50,000 a month. So, the investigation into the corruption of Hunter Biden involves this whistleblower because he was there at the time. Did he bring up the conflict of interest? Was there discussion of this? What was his involvement with the relationship between Joe Biden and the prosecutors?” — Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
Meanwhile, Ukrainian officials have said the only reason Biden sat on Burisma’s board was to “protect” the company from scrutiny.

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