Sunday, January 26, 2020

Protester to Adam Schiff on Capitol Hill: 'Move to Venezuela, Mr. Schiff!'

Several angry protesters got up close and personal with House impeachment manager Adam Schiff on Capitol Hill during President Trump's Senate trial, calling the California Democrat a "liar," among other things, and advising him to “Move to Venezuela!"
Video posted online showed the confrontation appearing to happen as Schiff was leaving the Senate chamber after arguing the Democrats' case during one of the trial sessions last week.
Schiff, who was among a group exiting the Senate with a police escort, is seen nodding dismissively as a protester shouts at him, then leaving down a hall.
Another protester then shouts, "Move to Venezuela, Mr. Schiff!"
Over three days last week, Schiff led a team of Democrats who argued that Trump abused his power by asking Ukraine’s president to investigate the Bidens and withholding $400 million in military aid, allegedly on that condition.
They also claim the president obstructed Congress by blocking witnesses and documents during the House’s impeachment inquiry last fall.
Venezuela, a socialist country, has been in political and economic turmoil for years, partially due to food shortages and hyperinflation.
The U.S. and more than 50 governments recognize the country's opposition leader Juan Guaidó as interim president of the country. They say President Nicolás Maduro wasn't legitimately re-elected last year because opposition candidates weren't permitted to run.

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