Monday, February 24, 2020

Sara Carter: Dems acting as Russian 'tools' in attempts to further Putin agenda, delegitimize Trump

Investigative reporter Sara Carter said Sunday that the Democrats' response to reports that Russia allegedly tried to interfere in the 2020 election proves they are mere "tools" helping to further the narrative created by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"Democrats and 'Never Trumpers'... they keep bringing up that Vladimir Putin has this grand scheme and people placed inside the Republican and Democratic Party," Carter said on "The Next Revolution."
"Listen", she continued, saying that Russian intelligence offers didn't "need to look far for Russian agents because [Democrats] are doing all the work for Russia. It must be a celebration. All they have to do is say something and plant a little seed out there that 'Putin wants Bernie [Sanders]... Putin wants Trump... Putin wants Joe Biden,' and America is tearing itself apart."
The Washington Post reported last week that U.S. intelligence officials determined Moscow was attempting to interfere in the race on behalf of both the president and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the frontrunner among Democrats seeking the White House.
On Friday night, President Trump took to Twitter and slammed the media, singling out MSNBC -- which he called "MSDNC" -- and CNN, claiming they grouped Sanders and others as "Russian Sympathizers."
"MSDNC (Comcast Slime), @CNN and others of the Fake Media, have now added Crazy Bernie to the list of Russian Sympathizers, along with @TulsiGabbard & Jill Stein (of the Green Party), both agents of Russia, they say," Trump wrote. "But now they report President Putin wants Bernie (or me) to win."
On Saturday morning, he warned Democrats in the "Great State of Nevada" -- which he predicted he would win come November -- to be "careful of Russia, Russia, Russia."
"According to Corrupt politician Adam 'Shifty' Schiff, they are pushing for Crazy Bernie Sanders to win. Vote!" Trump tweeted, a reference to the House Intelligence Committee chairman.
“I don't care, frankly, who [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wants to be president,” Sanders said in a statement following the article's release Friday. “My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.”
Carter said she was "frightened" by the efforts from Democrats and the media who ran with the unverified reports.
"This is frightening because in a way, what they don’t see is that they are the tools of Russia. Not the Republicans, but the Democrats... the 'Never Trumpers' are the tools of Russia," Carter said.
"And," she continued, "that's why President Trump is doing the right thing by blowing it off, ignoring them and not even paying attention to anything that could be coming out of Putin's mouth or out of Russia... he just lets it go."
Carter concluded, "the American people are going to vote."
Fox News' Julia Musto contributed to this report.

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