DOJ's FISA report contradicts claims by Dems, media figures that surveillance rules were strictly observed
New findings by the Justice Department inspector general that the FBI has repeatedly violated surveillance rules
stood in stark contrast to the years of assurances from top Democrats
and media commentators that bureau scrupulously handled Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants -- and prompted Republican
lawmakers to caution that the FBI seemingly believes it has "carte
blanche to routinely erode the liberties of Americans without proper
justification." The DOJ watchdog identified critical errors in
every FBI wiretap application that it audited as part of the fallout
from the bureau's heavily flawed investigation
into former Trump advisor Carter Page, who was surveilled in part
because of a largely discredited dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton
campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). An FBI lawyer in
that case even falsified
a CIA email submitted to the FISA court in order to make Page's
communications with Russians appear nefarious, the DOJ inspector general
found; and the DOJ has concluded that the Page warrant was legally improper. But,
the DOJ's new assessment indicated that FISA problems were systemic at
the bureau and extended beyond the Page probe. In four of the 29 cases
the DOJ inspector general reviewed, the FBI did not have any so-called
"Woods files" at all, referring to documentation demonstrating that it
had independently corroborated key facts in its surveillance warrant
applications. In three of those applications, the FBI couldn't confirm
that Woods documentation ever existed. The other 25 applications
contained an average of 20 assertions not properly supported with Woods
materials; one application contained 65 unsupported claims. The review
encompassed the work of eight field offices over the past five years in
several cases. “As a result of our audit work to date and as
described below, we do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its
Woods procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” the DOJ IG wrote in a memo today to FBI Director Christopher Wray. FISA COURT SLAMS FBI ... BUT LEAVES OUT LITTLE-KNOWN AGENT JOE PIENTKA, NOW SCRUBBED FROM FBI WEBSITE Reaction on Capitol Hill, where Wray has already promised bureau-wide reforms, was scathing.
DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz
“If the FBI is going to seek secret authority to
infringe the civil liberties of an American citizen, they at least need
to show their work," Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley,
R-Iowa, said in a statement Tuesday. "FBI rules demand FISA applications
be ‘scrupulously accurate’ and backed up by supporting documents to
prove their accuracy. But we know that wasn’t the case when the FBI
sought and received the authority to spy on Carter Page." Grassley
added: "Based on the inspector general’s audit, the flawed Page case
appears to be the tip of the iceberg. Not a single application from the
past five years reviewed by the inspector general was up to snuff.
That’s alarming and unacceptable. The inspector general’s decision to
bring these failures to the director’s attention before its audit is
even completed underscores the seriousness of these findings." "It Ain’t Easy Getting a FISA Warrant: I Was an FBI Agent and Should Know,"
read a 2017 article from former FBI special agent and CNN analyst Asha
Rangappa, who spent most of her career as a university admissions
administrator. It is unclear whether Rangappa has ever handled a FISA
application. In the piece, Rangappa credulously asserted that FISA
applications, after a preliminary exhaustive review, travel "to the
Justice Department where attorneys from the National Security Division
comb through the application to verify all the assertions made in it.
Known as 'Woods procedures' after Michael J. Woods, the FBI Special
Agent attorney who developed this layer of approval, DOJ verifies the
accuracy of every fact stated in the application." FISA COURT BLOCKS FBI AGENTS LINKED TO PAGE PROBE FROM SEEKING WIRETAPS; Rangappa, who repeated the same message on-air multiple times, was not alone in the media in propping up the FISA process. A comprehensive review
by The Washington Post's Erik Wemple underscored how Politico national
security reporter Natasha Bertrand launched her career in part through
ultimately debunked reporting on the Steele dossier. Bertrand, who
told MSNBC that securing a FISA warrant was "extremely difficult," even
claimed at one point that DOJ investigators found the dossier's author,
Christopher Steele, credible. “The interview was contentious at
first, the sources added, but investigators ultimately found Steele’s
testimony credible and even surprising," Bertrand wrote. "The
takeaway has irked some U.S. officials interviewed as part of the probe
— they argue that it shouldn’t have taken a foreign national to
convince the inspector general that the FBI acted properly in 2016.” As
Wemple noted, however, DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz found
numerous problems with the FBI's reliance on Steele, including its
failure to alert the FISA court to a series of apparent problems with
his credibility. STRZOK'S
REVIEW Nevertheless, for several years, Democrats and other analysts at The New York Times, The Washington Post and CNN have
repeatedly claimed that key claims in the Clinton-funded anti-Trump
dossier had been corroborated and that the document was not critical to
the FBI's warrant to surveil Page. Horowitz repudiated that claim, with
the FBI's legal counsel even describing the warrant to surveil Page as
"essentially a single source FISA" wholly dependent on the dossier. Among
the unsubstantiated claims in the dossier: that ex-Trump lawyer Michael
Cohen traveled to Prague to conspire with Russian hackers; that the
Trump campaign was paying hackers working out of a nonexistent Russian
consulate in Miami; that a lurid blackmail tape of Trump existed and
might be in Russian possession; and that Page was bribed with a 19
percent share in a Russian company. In 2018, Vox published a piece by Zack Beauchamp
titled, "The Democratic rebuttal to the Nunes memo tears it apart."
That was a reference to the memo authored by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.,
and his intelligence panel, in rebuttal to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.,
and his concerns that the FISA process was heavily flawed. "Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff brought receipts," the article declared confidently. “This is a pretty thorough demolition,” Julian Sanchez, a supposed expert on surveillance at the libertarian Cato Institute, wrote on Twitter. "The
key question in an application like this isn’t whether the source liked
the target; it’s whether the specific claims they’re making are
credible," Beauchamp writes. "And the Schiff memo points out that the
FBI had independent reasons to believe that Steele’s arguments were
those reasons, Beauchamp claimed, was that "Page had been on the
bureau’s radar for some time — as he had been approached by Russian
spies in the past as a potential intelligence asset. According to
Schiff, the October FISA application laid out Page’s connections to the
Kremlin 'in detail.' For instance, while Page was working for Trump, in
July 2016, he traveled to Moscow to give a commencement speech at a
Russian university, which certainly would have raised some red flags at
the bureau." Since the Vox article was published, the DOJ inspector general found
that ex-FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith doctored a CIA email to help
secure the Page warrant. Specifically, the FBI reached out to the CIA
and other intelligence agencies for information on Page; the CIA
responded in an email by telling the FBI that Page had contacts with
Russians from 2008 to 2013, but that Page had voluntarily reported the
contacts to the CIA and was serving as a CIA operational contact and
informant on Russian business and intelligence interests.
Former Trump adviser Carter Page. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Clinesmith then doctored the CIA's email about Page to make it seem as
though the agency had said only that Page was not an active source,
according to Horowitz. Then, the FBI included Page's contacts with
Russians in the warrant application as evidence he was a foreign
"agent," without disclosing to the secret surveillance court that Page
was voluntarily working with the CIA concerning those foreign contacts. In
his Vox article, Beauchamp also excuses the FBI for not fully
disclosing its knowledge of Steele's apparent bias and the factual
problems with his dossier because the bureau noted in a footnote to its
Page FISA thaht “the FBI speculates” that Steele had been hired to find
“information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s [Trump’s]
campaign.” That disclosure was insignificant and incomplete, Nunes
alleged -- and contrary to Schiff and Beaucahmp's claims, Horowitz
U.S. Attorney John Durham's criminal probe concerning the FBI's Russia
probe remains ongoing. It has emerged since former National Security
Adviser Michael Flynn's guilty plea that the FBI officials who
interviewed Flynn, anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok and "SSA [Supervisory Special Agent] 1," have each separately been implicated by Horowitz in apparent misconduct and mismanagement in both the Flynn case and the Carter Page matter. Strzok's misconduct and anti-Trump bias are well-documented. The identity of SSA 1 is protected in the Flynn legal proceedings by a court order, but Fox News has identified the agent as Joe Pietnka, who moved last year from the Washington, D.C., area to San Francisco. Pientka briefly appeared on the FBI's website as an "Assistant Special Agent in Charge" of the San Francisco field office late last year, according to the Internet archive Wayback Machine. However, Pientka no longer appears on any FBI website after being removed shortly after Fox News identified him
as the unnamed SSA in the IG report; Fox News is told Pientka received a
promotion to a senior role in the bureau's San Francisco field office.
Pientka's extensive role in handling the Page FISA has been outlined in
Horowitz's report, and top Republican senators, including Sen. Lindsey
Graham, R-S.C., have requested that Pientka sit for an interview to
explain himself. "The media for FOUR FU--ING YEARS propped up
expert after expert to tell us that FISA warrants are different!"
independent journalist Mike Cernovich wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. "If you want to know why people don't trust experts anymore, here is your latest reason."
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