Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lara Trump on Kamala Harris pick: It's still 'old slow Joe at the top of that ticket'

President Trump's campaign adviser Lara Trump says the Trump campaign isn't concerned with presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden picking Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., as they are focused on reminding the American public what Trump has accomplished during his first term
Despite the attention Kamala Harris is receiving as his recently picked running mate, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden still tops his party's ticket, Trump 2020 Campaign senior adviser Lara Trump noted Saturday.
"I would remind everybody that it is still Joe Biden's, old slow Joe at the top of that ticket, Jeanine, and that is what ultimately matters," Trump said during an appearance on Fox News' "Justice with Judge Jeanine."
"That is the person I'll remind the mainstream media -- who went into overdrive with a love fest of sorts for Kamala Harris, whenever it was announced that she was the vice presidential running mate of Joe Biden," Trump said. "It's still, Joe, at the top of the ticket. So our strategy has always been to remind people about the incredible job that this president did with his first three-and-a-half years in office."
The president's daughter-in-law, who is married to Eric Trump, took issue with what she called Biden's "pandering" with his selection of a woman as his running mate, slamming him and saying she was insulted.
"And I have found it very interesting that the mainstream media and the people on the left think that the women in this country, Judge Jeanine, are stupid," Trump said. "Apparently, they forgot that the identity politics, they tried to play in 2016 when they suggested that women should vote for someone named Hillary Clinton because she was a woman, didn't work then, it's not going to work."
"I for one, was insulted when months ago Joe Biden came out and he said, guess what? It's going to be a woman who is my running mate. Let's not worry about qualifications. Let's not worry about what they bring to the table," Trump continued. "If these people want to stand up for equality, people in this country will never be fully equal in their eyes until they stop pandering for votes and playing identity politics."
Trump said she was looking forward to the presidential debates, hoping the first debate would be moved up, saying the president would expose Biden.
"People are going to fully see that this man does not have all his faculties about him," Trump said about Biden. "They are going to fully see that the radicalization of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party is complete, that he is a full-blown socialist."

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