Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Portland mayor says he’ll move soon, after protests at his condo building (You harvest what you plant)

Portland, Ore., Mayor Ted Wheeler says he’s looking for a new place to live.

Wheeler’s disclosure came Tuesday in an email to other residents of the high-rise condominium building in the city’s Pearl District where he resides, which has been a frequent site of protests in recent months, reported.

“I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear that you are experiencing due to my position,” Wheeler wrote, according to an image of the email that was sent to the news outlet.

Incidents at the 16-story building have included a violent clash Monday that saw crowd members breaking windows and setting fires near the property, reported.

The building has 114 units plus retail space on the ground floor, according to the report.

Wheeler purchased a two-bedroom unit in 2017, paying $840,000, Multnomah County property records show.

On Monday, Wheeler received a letter from Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, urging him to request federal assistance in quelling the protests and riots that have been held in the city for more than 90 consecutive days.

“I urge you to prioritize public safety and to request federal assistance to restore law and order in Portland,” Wolf wrote in the letter dated Aug. 31. “We are standing by to support Portland. At the same time, President Trump has made it abundantly clear that there will come a point when state and local officials fail to protect its citizens from violence, the federal government will have no choice but to protect our American citizens.”

During weeks of unrest across the U.S., other public officials have also seen protesters gather outside their homes, including outgoing Seattle police Chief Carmen Best and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

Fox News' Jake Gibson contributed to this story.

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