Sunday, October 25, 2020

Trump wraps up marathon campaigning day with Wisconsin rally


President Trump, who rallied in Waukesha, Wis., on Saturday night, capping a campaigning marathon that included five states, told supporters that while he is fighting for the middle class, Joe Biden is fighting for his son.

"I fight for the middle class. He's actually fighting, I think, for Hunter. The Biden family and his cronies, what they've done is a disgrace," the president said, referring to the younger Biden's international business deals while his father was vice president. 

Trump repeated a line he's used multiple times this week: that Biden is the reason he ran for president in 2016. 

"I had a much easier life than this, I'll be honest with you," Trump said of his life before the presidency. "Thought this might've been a little easier. I didn't know the swamp was that deep."

"We've done a lot of these," Trump said of his whirlwind weekend of rallying. "They say, 'How the hell do you do it? I say 'there's a lot of love here. It's easy when there's a lot of love'."

"I don't mind doing it," Trump said. "After it's all over I'm going to go home and sleep for a little while." 

In Circleville, Ohio, Trump told supporters he never would have won if his opponent Joe Biden "did a good job" as vice president. 

"I wouldn't have run, Joe, if you did a good job. I had a very nice life. I wouldn't have run if you did a good job," the president said. 

Trump said that Biden is the first politician to run promising tax hikes. 

"He's the first politician ever to run saying he's going to quadruple your taxes. This is the craziest thing I've ever seen," he said. 

Biden has said he would raise taxes on the rich, promising not to raise them on anyone making less than $400,000.

"You let us down, Joe," Trump said, calling Biden a "47-year politician who used his job to enrich himself." 

"His son was like a human vacuum cleaner," Trump said, referring to Biden's son Hunter's foreign business dealings while his father was vice president. 

Earlier, Trump rallied in North Carolina, making the pitch that he's the person to lead an economic comeback and stand with American workers, whereas Joe Biden would hold back progress. 

"This election is a choice between a Trump super recovery and a Biden depression," Trump said at the Robeson County Fairgrounds in Lumberton, N.C.

During the hour-long rally, Trump said the country is "tired" of hearing about coronavirus, and pointed to his own recovery as an example of how Americans can move on.

"I had it. Here I am!" Trump said to the crowd.

Trump's optimistic comments come as the U.S. coronavirus caseload has reached record heights with 83,757 infections reported Friday, topping the 77,362 cases reported on July 16, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Trump's handling of the coronavirus has been a major issue for Biden, who blames the president for failing to protect Americans and claims the death toll on Trump's watch disqualifies him from a second term.

But in the final days of the campaign, Trump has gone on offense against Biden, aided by leaked emails purportedly from Hunter Biden's laptop. They were first published by the New York Post on the son's foreign business dealings.

Trump also brought up the final debate performance Thursday as a stark contrast of candidates' priorities. 

"The American people saw a contrast between a 47-year career politician who's seen better days [and] who has used public office to enrich himself ... and a businessman who entered public service," Trump said.

Trump capitalized on Biden's comments during the debate that he wants to "transition" away from oil, calling it bad news for jobs in oil and gas producing states. He also accused the Democrat of trying to cut Social Security. To prove his point he showed a video of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., accusing Biden during a debate of trying to cut senior citizen programs.

The Trump campaign used this Sanders video at a rally Friday, too, in Florida.

He gave a shout-out to Native American supporters in the crowd and talked of his federal policies for them. "I love the sound of that drum," Trump said to the enthusiastic drum beating in the audience from the Lumbee Tribe.

Trump started his day in Florida where he voted for himself at an early polling place. 

Meanwhile, Biden campaigned in Pennsylvania where he made the case he's best equipped to defeat the virus and address the concerns of working Americans. 

"He thinks Wall Street built this country," Biden said of Trump. "But you and I know who really built this country, families like mine, working people built it, the middle class. And unions built the middle class."

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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