Monday, November 16, 2020

China Expert: Beijing Happy With Biden Win

Beijing is pleased with several news outlets calling the 2020 presidential race for Democrat Joe Biden, China expert Gordon Chang said on Sunday.

Speaking on “The Cats Roundtable” radio show on WABC 770AM hosted by John Catsimatidis, Chang said, “I think China is very happy with how things turned out, because Beijing worked very hard to get the vice president elected” by malicious and massive attacks on President Donald Trump through a public disinformation campaign.

Chang said “that Twitter took down 174,000 fake Chinese accounts in June alone, which shows you the size of China’s effort. And they were working for Biden even during the Democratic nomination process, because they were favoring him over Bernie Sanders.”

He insisted that “once Biden got the nomination, they went to work on President Trump, making life difficult for him.”

Chang added that China is not “going to let up. It’s probably going to test the Biden administration in ways that are going to be extremely dangerous, stressing that “this is a risk for us. We not only have China going after us internationally. They are going after our democracy. Which is the reason why Hong Kong is so important. They tried to snuff out representative governance there. They’re now going to turn their attention to us, because they’ve been attacking our form of government for three or four months in intensified ways.”


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