Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Hannity: Democrats in a 'full-fledged panic' after Trump barnstorms swing states to massive crowds

Democrats are in a "full-fledged panic" Monday night after President Trump held a series of rallies with massive turnout across the Upper Midwest over the past few days, Sean Hannity claimed. 

The "Hannity" host added that Democrats are "feverishly [and at the] last second all of a sudden trying to add events in Pennsylvania and Michigan tonight and tomorrow."

"Full-fledged panic has set in," Hannity emphasized, "and the reason, I have been told by Democrats -- I actually have sources within the Democratic Party -- they are watching the size and the magnitude and the passion and enthusiasm of every single Donald Trump rally, and it has them rocked to their inner core.

"Every Democratic operative in the country is like, 'What did we just do?' And, by the way, it has now dawned on all of them that President Trump can absolutely win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan again."

Furthermore, Hannity claimed, "insiders within the Democratic Party have pointed to what is a significant, dramatic polling decline that started after the second debate and has gone on all weekend long. Minorities and young people ... in record-breaking numbers seem to be breaking for Donald Trump. Older people that were cautious on COVID are now returning to the Trump camp as well."

However, the host added that polls are largely moot at this point, and that the only way to help ensure Trump's reelection is to go out and vote on Tuesday.

"I can tell you this, Donald Trump absolutely can get reelected," he said. "What does it mean for we the people? It means we cannot control the outcome of what the polls are. You can control doing your part. That means all of you voting, that means participating in the election.

"You don't want Biden's socialist hellhole and you don't want the loss of freedom and you don't want the destruction of capitalism and you don't want amnesty and you don't want the Supreme Court packed and you don't want four additional Democratic senators. Every one of you need to do your part and vote, and President Trump is doing his part obviously."


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