Sunday, November 15, 2020

Jenna Ellis to Newsmax TV: States Must Audit Dominion Machines

States can't certify their elections without an audit being done of the Dominion Voting Systems machines, and that tally could affect at least 29 states, Jenna Ellis, senior advisor for the Trump campaign, told Newsmax TV Saturday. 

"We need to have an audit of this, and this is something that of course is going to change the national outcome of the election," Ellis told Newsmax TV's Rob Schmidtt. "What we're seeing is a really, really significant challenge."

There are some who are saying that the difference is fewer than 10,000 or so votes that could be affected, said Ellis, but they are not seeing what Rudy Giuliani, who is running the Trump campaign's legal defense efforts are seeing. 

She added that the Trump Team for Election Integrity is seeing that the machines used through Dominion were able to alter ballots and take away votes, and "this isn't a system glitch."

"It's a feature where they're able to take votes that are cast for President Trump and change them to Joe Biden," Ellis said of the machines coming from Dominion, which was founded in Venezuela. "They're able to then also add ballots, and count ballots multiple times. This is a feature."

This means an audit must be conducted of the systems and their software, Ellis said.
"This is the nationwide scandal," said Ellis. "Dominion Voting Systems is absolutely corrupt, and so we absolutely are not out of this yet, so that's what our legal team is working on with the strategy."

States can't certify their results without an audit, she added, but "they're trying to just make us rush through this process. This has been about a week and a half and we have to do a thorough investigation and make sure that states do not certify their results until they are fair and accurate."

Ellis added that Pennsylvania's election can't be called because ballots there are "spoiled" because it's not known if they have been manipulated, as once ballots and their envelopes are separated, they can't be put back together. 

"They have denied meaningful access and when election officials and secretaries of state are telling their people on the ground that they are not following the law, they can't do that and so that is an equal protection violation," Ellis said.

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