Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Megyn Kelly to Newsmax TV: 'I Would Have Loved to Have a Shot at' Biden

After delivering some of the most potentially damaging debate moments against President Donald Trump in 2016 as a moderator, media personality Megyn Kelly on Newsmax TV lamented she did not have a "shot at" pressing Joe Biden.

"I would have loved to have a shot at him on the Hunter Biden thing," Megyn Kelly told Monday's "Greg Kelly Reports." "'Is it Hunter's laptop? Have you asked him? Why not?'

"'Did you have the meeting, whether it's on your calendar or not? You don't remember meeting with the executive at Burisma, a company where your son was getting $50,000 a month? That didn't strike you as odd?'

"'You didn't look into it? Why not? You were the vice president. Didn't you have an obligation to know what your son was doing with respect to foreign policy that might affect the administration?'

"We could have gone on for awhile."

Megyn Kelly, who left Fox News for NBC after the 2016 presidential election, was forced out of her lucrative contract and her talk show after she questioned the criticism of wearing Blackface costumes, particularly as actors and even liberal supporters have worn them in the past.

"But I was on my couch," she demurred to host Greg Kelly, no relation.

"Journalism as we knew it is gone, Greg, it's gone."

Megyn Kelly, once a member of the anti-Trump media, now sees the attacks on the president and then-candidate Trump as a mission to seek and destroy.

"And I said this on my podcast: It was like a Kamikaze mission to take down Trump," she said. "And they may have done it. They may have taken him out.

"And they certainly took themselves out, too. And there's no coming back from it."

Megyn Kelly finished with mocking CNN anti-Trumper Don Lemon.

"Don Lemon is another one at CNN," she said, mock crying after Lemon cried on camera when that network called the race for Biden. "'Single tear for myself; I just want you to remember how hard it's been for all the journalists and journalism.'

"By the way, [inaudible] you, state TV!"

State TV is a term used for biased media propaganda favoring the Democrat Party.

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