Thursday, November 12, 2020

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler to Newsmax TV: Legal Voters Losing Power of Their Votes

Those who diminish the scope of voter fraud in Pennsylvania are missing the point, according to Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., on Newsmax TV, because all legal voters are losing the power of their vote.

"As soon as one illegal vote is counted, or as soon as one dead person is allowed to a cast a vote — which we also know is happening — than it, by definition, dilutes legal votes and dilutes the power of the legal voter that's voting legally," Reschenthaler told Wednesday's "Stinchfield."

"Clearly there is evidence of fraud; this should be treated seriously," he added to host Grant Stinchfield.

It is not just the legal voters being disenfranchised either, Reschenthaler said, because the Pennsylvania state legislature was unconstitutionally "usurped" by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court exceeding its authority in permitting the 72-hour ballot extension in the state.

"The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has usurped the power of the general assembly," he said. "The U.S. Constitution says it's the legislators that decide how they select the electors.

"That's one, unconstitutional; two, it gives Democrat operatives a chance to engage in fraud. And our system is rife with fraud."

The entire vote in Pennsylvania is now suspect, according to Reschenthaler, because of the reported commingling of illegal ballots counted that were received after 8 p.m. Nov. 3 with the legal ones received before.

"Good luck figuring out which ballots came in on Election Night and which ones came in after," Reschenthaler concluded.

"It's going to be very hard to distinguish ones that are legal with one that are illegal."

The U.S. Supreme Court has a referral on that from Justice Samuel Alito, but Trump campaign lawyers have told Newsmax TV the nation's highest court is "holding" in weighing in on that legal challenge until the Trump team builds its entire case that can be "outcome determinative" in the presidential election, according to attorney Jordan Sekulow.


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