Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Stats Prove Ballot Stuffing

Former Democratic strategist and White House adviser Dick Morris told Newsmax TV on Monday that Democratic presidential voter turnout was disproportionately larger than the population gains from 2012 to 2020 in key cities where President Donald Trump is disputing election tallies.

Appearing on “Greg Kelly Reports,” Morris pointed out that the vote for Joe Biden in Phoenix was 48% more than Barack Obama received in 2012, when the city only witnessed a 14% gain in population. Similarly, he said, Atlanta saw a 30% larger vote for Biden than Obama in 2012, despite a 9% gain in population, and Detroit had a 10% higher vote total for Biden than Obama while seeing no increase in population at all.

“And the only way that that increase can be justified is by ballot stuffing,” Morris said. “The non-Democratic cities didn’t realize that kind of gain. And even cities like New York and Chicago, that were not in swing states, didn’t realize that kind of a gain. It was pure ballot stuffing with absentee and mail-in ballots.”

Morris admitted that Democratic antipathy toward Trump could account for the increased voter turnout overall, from 135 million in 2016 to 150 million earlier this month. But it doesn’t explain why the turnout was significantly higher in the states where claims of fraud, particularly in Arizona, Michigan and Georgia, are being made, but not across the board in other Democrat-controlled cities.

“Sure it did,” Morris said. “But in these particular cities and in these particular states, where Biden won by 80,000 in one state, or 20,000 in another, these kinds spikes in turnout are indicative of ballot stuffing. The secretary of state in Michigan sent out 7.7 million absentee ballots, and got huge numbers back, and that permitted them to stuff the ballot [box] with phony ballots. Two hundred thousand absentee ballots in Pennsylvania, alone, were counted.”

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