Thursday, November 26, 2020

Trump To Supporters: Don't Be Intimidated by Dems, Others

President Donald Trump implored his supporters on Wednesday to ''not be intimidated'' by Democrats and others seeking to dissuade them from their accusations of election fraud and irregularities.

Calling into a Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee on ''election issues and irregularities,'' Trump cited examples of threats against a lawyer who was representing his claims in Pennsylvania who was placed under an order of protection, a Michigan Board of Canvassers member who said his wife and children were threatened, and election board members in Detroit who said they were threatened.

''If you were a Republican poll worker you were treated like a dog,'' Trump said as his lawyer, Jenna Ellis, held up her phone to the microphone, according to The Epoch Times.

''Our poll watchers were pushed out of the building … don’t be intimidated by these people,'' Trump said, while also referring to threats and a pressure campaign against his legal team.

Trump referred to sworn affidavits from poll watchers being denied the opportunity to witness vote-tabulation efforts on Election Day and beyond in places like Philadelphia and Detroit.

''They cheated. It was a fraudulent election,'' Trump said. ''This election was rigged and we can’t let that happen. We can’t let it happen for our country. And this election has to be turned around, because we won Pennsylvania by a lot and we won all these swing states by a lot.''

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, subsequently ridiculed Trump in a Twitter post.

''The sitting president’s remarks today were devoid of reality,'' Shapiro wrote. ''The election is over. Pennsylvania has certified results & declared Joe Biden the winner of our Commonwealth. Lying through a cell phone at a fake hearing changes nothing.''

Shapiro made no reference to a Pennsylvania judge’s order earlier in the day to halt any further certification efforts, which according to Pennsylvania’s Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar, another Democrat, Joe Biden won by approximately 80,000 votes.


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