Friday, January 8, 2021

What Michelle Obama Just Called for Is What Trump Warned Us About Big Tech

What Michelle Obama Just Called for Is What Trump Warned Us About Big Tech
Wow! This is suppose to be a ex president's wife?


In light of the chaos that has engulfed the nation for the past few days, former First Lady Michelle Obama came out swinging, calling for tech companies to permanently ban Donald Trump from their platforms “to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection.”

This is not shocking. Twitter banned Trump for 12 hours before allowing him to post a video message where he officially conceded the 2020 election. Facebook has permanently banned Trump from its platform. Yes, these are private companies who can do what they want in the same fashion as Simon and Shuster canceling Sen. Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) book deal. They’re not obligated to publish your work, but on the issue of big tech — aren’t these companies now operating as quasi-public utilities? How many people use their platforms for news and information digestion? We’ve discussed this plenty of times on Triggered. We get the "private company, non-intervention in business" side. We all know that this isn’t any typical private business in the vein of US Steel.

JUST IN: Former first lady Michelle Obama calls on tech companies to permanently ban President Trump from their platforms and put policies in place “to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection.”

— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 7, 2021


— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) January 7, 2021

Saying we’re for smaller government, more jobs, fewer taxes, and less regulation could be viewed as fueling insurrection by these folks. No, scratch that — it has. Remember the Tea Party movement? I remember when the media smeared these patriots as quasi-domestic terrorists, racists, and overall total loons for demanding things that the vast majority of Americans want; no one likes taxes.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021

The truth is, I don’t trust the Left. I know you don’t either. The "woke" morons who think they know best because they got a degree in gender studies will have sought to cancel people for having wholly uncontroversial views on policy. During COVID, Chicago Public Schools warned that reopening is an act of misogyny and racism. So, I’m going to trust these morons with filtering through what is truly insurrectionist rhetoric and classic conservative thought? Nope. I can’t, and neither should you. This is what President Trump and others warned would happen eventually if we let big tech run wild. As we're about to enter the Biden administration, expect more purges.

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