Monday, February 15, 2021

Biden White House Silently Nixes Trump Initiative Tracking Chinese Influence in US Education System

Biden the Dummy.

Well, if you’re Beijing, this is welcome news. It’s nothing earth-shattering, but any Trump policy aimed at curbing Chinese influence in America would probably be a breath of fresh air now that the Biden administration has taken over, right? Consider this a 2020 election dividend from the Biden White House? They quietly nixed a Trump rule that aimed to track and root out potential Chinese Communist propaganda influence within our education system. It dealt with ordering our schools to disclose ties to the Confucius Institutes, which some have alleged is a breeding ground for disseminating communist propaganda (via Daily Caller):

The Biden administration quietly withdrew a rule proposed by the Trump administration that would have required American schools and universities to disclose their partnerships with Confucius Institutes, which some U.S. officials allege are front groups for Chinese Communist Party propaganda.

The Trump administration submitted a proposed rule to the Department of Homeland Security on Dec. 31, 2020, entitled “Establishing Requirement for Student and Exchange Visitor Program Certified Schools to Disclose Agreements with Confucius Institutes and Classrooms.”

Around 500 K-12 schools and 65 colleges in the U.S. have partnerships with the Confucius Institute U.S. Center, a U.S.-based affiliate of the Beijing-based Confucius Institute Headquarters. The institute, also known as Hanban, is affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education.

Many of Hanban’s directors are members of the Chinese Communist Party or have close ties to the organization, The Daily Caller has previously reported.

Biden’s ties to China were unearthed by his son, Hunter, whose emails regarding the family’s dealings were exposed in October of 2020. This was the October surprise that the media suffocated with a pillow. Hunter dropped his MacBook off at a local repair shop in Delaware and never picked it up. The New York Post covered its contents first, only to be censored by the big tech giants for over a week in the wake of this story. Joe said he knew nothing of his son’s dealings. He did. He was especially involved in this deal to sell access to CEFC China Energy, which to no one’s surprise has ties to the Chinese Communist Party. This deal was hashed out while Joe was still Obama’s VP. It fell through in 2017, but not after the Biden family was given $5 million by Beijing. It was for their time and good faith, right? Hunter Biden’s former associate Tony Bobulinski turned over all documents and devices to the FBI about this deal. He was also interviewed by them. He corroborated this whole thing.

So, this move given Biden’s ties to China is not a shock, but alarming nonetheless. 


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