Thursday, February 18, 2021

Rush Reflected on Career, Warned About Biden on Final Show

Rush Limbaugh's final live broadcast included a look back on his career and a warning to blue-collar workers who voted for President Joe Biden.

Limbaugh died Wednesday at the age of 70 after a year-long battle against lung cancer.

He began his final show Feb. 2 by admonishing leaders of The Lincoln Project and their relationship with disgraced co-founder John Weaver, per Fox News.

Later, Limbaugh spoke to a caller named Sarah in Glendale, Arizona. The woman expressed frustration at state and local Republican Party organizations from the view of someone interested in running for office.

Saying she and her husband had moved to Arizona from New York City because, as conservatives, they had not felt represented, Sarah added it was difficult to be politically active in their new state.

Limbaugh responded by saying that working one's way up from the bottom has become obsolete in modern politics and society.

"I think that frankly now is B.S.," Limbaugh said. "When I was young, that's how things were done. That's the only way you could advance, unless you know somebody, because there are elites everywhere.

"You started small and you had to prove yourself at every step along the way."

The man who became a conservative icon said he began his radio career in his hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

"Then I got a job at a suburban station in Pittsburgh," he said. "You just climbed the ladder, hoping somewhere along the way you get a break, and I didn't get mine for 20 years [until] Sacramento, 1984 — and that's just how you did it."

Limbaugh pointed to the recent stock market controversy involving companies such as GameStop and AMC as evidence working people could make thousands of dollars in a single day.

"Some guys earned on GameStop enough money to put their kids through college for four years in one day," he said. "It's not generationally necessary — you can still start small, get experience, and build yourself up.

"I would apply the same thing here to politics. It used to be the same way; you'd have to advance in electoral politics."

Near the end of the show, Limbaugh discussed Keystone XL pipeline workers who lost their jobs after Biden signed an executive order to stop the project.

"What do you think the Democrat Party is? It's clear as a bell they have no desire to enhance your life — they're taking jobs away from you," Limbaugh said. "This is what Biden and his administration are hellbent on doing. They want you to become dependent on them, a ward of the state. You're not supposed to have enough power to oppose them."

Limbaugh added some people who voted for Biden will be surprised by the president's actions.

"Odds are, there are a lot of people who voted for Biden who had no idea what he's going to do and what's yet to come," he said, "and that's why I say they're going to overstep — and it isn't going to take them long, and it isn't going to be pretty when all kinds of people are going to start to figure it out."

Limbaugh ended the Excellence in Broadcasting Network show by asking his producers who had been on "standby" to host that day's program if his medical condition had forced him to bail at the last minute.

Informed the guest host in waiting had been Mark Steyn, Limbaugh said, "Thanks for standing by today, Mr. Steyn. We'll be back soon."

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