Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Joe Biden Says Afghanistan Had an Air Force. He Didn't Mention That He Helped Paralyze It.

Idiot for a President 🤤


Joe Biden took some time out of his vacation to address the nation about his mess in Afghanistan. He blamed everyone but himself. It’s true that if the Afghans don’t want to fight for their country, why should we. Yet, the overall fiasco is Biden’s fault. Blaming Trump won’t work. Not even the liberal media is going to push that or accept it. It’s too ridiculous. Presidents can and have renegotiated past policies hashed out by a previous administration. The withdrawal could have been orderly. It could have been organized. Instead, we have people falling from US Air Force planes as they hang on in a desperate attempt to flee the country. The Taliban have taken over. They’re going door-to-door looking for those who worked with the US. The summary executions are merely on hold. Now, the US Embassy staff is evacuating. We’re gone. It’s over. And the utter failure to leave properly has left us with images of Saigon 1975. The thing is we all saw this coming. Joe didn’t. The intelligence community didn’t. The expert class in all areas has been stunningly wrong. and what’s this nonsense about the Afghan air force. Here’s what Biden said yesterday:

American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves.  We spent over a trillion dollars.  We trained and equipped an Afghan military force of some 300,000 strong — incredibly well equipped — a force larger in size than the militaries of many of our NATO allies.

We gave them every tool they could need.  We paid their salaries, provided for the maintenance of their air force — something the Taliban doesn’t have.  Taliban does not have an air force.  We provided close air support. 

Yeah, about that air force, Joe. You also helped cripple it (via Daily Beast):

The Taliban has largely taken Afghanistan without much of a fight, leaving the spoils of war—including military equipment and ammunition supplied by the U.S.—for the militants to further bolster their upper hand.

In the last few weeks, Afghanistan’s air force became a sticking point in negotiations between the Biden administration and Afghan officials, according to one person familiar with the talks.

The country’s mostly U.S.-provided air fleet was dependent on foreign contractors to assist with maintenance. As the U.S. withdrawal took hold, the Biden administration refused to allow contractors into the country to service the aircraft, effectively grounding some of the Afghan Air Force at the same time as the U.S. had withdrawn direct air support to Afghan forces.

In the interim, Afghan air crews were forced to get creative. Maintenance personnel had to rely on Zoom calls with American experts in order to figure out how to maintain the aircraft left behind by the Americans, according to the source.

Yeah, I can see why he bolted from the podium after his speech. No one likes this. Everyone knows Joe botched this operation, and he doesn’t want to have to take questions from the media because he’s too weak, too stupid, and too dementia-ridden to keep up. The man cannot do the job. You all see it now that the liberal media has stopped covering for him on the Afghan collapse. And what does he do afterward? He gets back on Marine One and heads back to Camp David. No questions—I need to get back on rest and relaxation. Build back better, huh? America is back, you say. 

This is what happens when you elect Democrats.

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