Monday, November 29, 2021

D'Amato Slams Biden as 'Fake Moderate'

Joe Biden's website has a hidden message about face masks


Former Sen. D'Amato said to be recovering from Covid at St. Francis  Hospital | Herald Community Newspapers |
Former Sen. Al D’Amato


Former Sen. Al D’Amato harshly criticized Joe Biden as a fake moderate on Sunday, saying that his ultra liberal policies are sinking the country.

Speaking on "The Cats Roundtable" radio show on  WABC 770 AM hosted by John Catsimatidis, the New York Republican said the U.S. is in "a tragic situation brought on by the incompetent, ultra-liberal leadership of somebody who promised to be a moderate. Somebody who promised to bring the country together."

He also insisted that "Biden has been anything but that moderate. Has not brought the country together. Has undertaken policies that the extreme left loves."

D'Amato also criticized anyone making excuses for Biden by claiming that it is actually people behind him who are coming up with these policies,  saying "that’s nonsense. I say we are seeing the true Joe Biden."

Biden, he added, could not "have won the Democratic primary if he had tried to run to the left of Bernie Sanders."

The senator added that "I considered Joe Biden a close friend. He came to my wedding. He came to the [federal] courthouse dedication in my name after I left the Senate, but I see what’s going on… I don’t blame others. He’s the president. It’s him. And he is sinking this country."

D’Amato said it is Biden’s energy policies that have caused the sharp rise in the price of gasoline since he entered the White House and contributed to "the biggest inflation in more than 30 years. And [Biden] is ready to blame it on everything but himself."

The former senator pointed out that inflation is not only harming the poor, but working and middle class families, too.

He gave as an example "a family making $150,000, and they live in the suburbs, and they got to pay the real estate property taxes… They need two cars… They have children ready to go to college… They are struggling. And now you’re going to hit them with $200 to $300 a month more in expenses? Because that’s what inflation is going to be costing these people to run their cars, to heat their homes, to feed their families."

D’Amato also mocked Biden’s solution for lowering gasoline prices by opening up the oil reserves, saying "that doesn’t amount to anything. It amounts to less than three days of energy supply.… This isn’t going to lower the cost of gasoline."

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