Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rep. Matt Gaetz: DOJ Has 'Wolves Watching the Henhouse'

Florida State Rep. Anna Eskamani says Matt Gaetz, Joel Greenberg sent her a  'weird AF' voicemail | Blogs

 The politicization of the Justice Department is now more apparent than ever, as Jan. 6 trespassers are still imprisoned and the FBI is flagging local school board protests, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., lamented on Newsmax.

"We've got the wolves watching the henhouse a little bit over there at DOJ, and that's why strong Republican oversight is so necessary," Gaetz told Wednesday's "Stinchfield," noting the Biden DOJ under Attorney General Merrick Garland has Democrat operatives and lobbyists working in the division overseeing election crimes.

Justice is not supposed to be stacked politically, as it is under President Joe Biden, Gaetz warned.

"The American people deserve a Department of Justice that is the least political agency in Washington, and instead what we've got is the Department of Justice that is the most political agency in Washington, becoming essentially the enforcement wing of the Democratic Party," he told host Grant Stinchfield.

"Now what we see is abject threat construction. They want the American people to believe that anyone who is not totally on board with the disastrous Biden regime is somehow a domestic terrorist – whether it's the school board parents getting flagged by the Department of Justice or people who didn't commit any violence on Jan. 6 but are somehow this ongoing threat."

The "threat construction" is so evolved and deep, even Republicans in Congress do not dare to challenge it any longer, Gaetz added.

"Many of my Republican colleagues believe that any advocacy for due process or civil rights for the Jan. 6 detainees will label them an insurrectionist in the eyes of the mainstream media," he continued. "But we cannot allow these folks to set the frame.

"Every American deserves due process, and no Americans should be singled out and treated differently with crimes because there is like a political overtone of the prosecution."

Gaetz noted even Obama-appointed DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is calling out the politicization of justice.

"Inspector General Horowitz, even though he was Obama appointed, he has to reflect on, acknowledge, and be honest about how much politics is impacting the decision making process at the Department of Justice," Gaetz concluded.

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