Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Most Privileged Response on Crime Just May Come from Seth Rogen

 Editor's Note: This article includes tweets that contain graphic language.

Over the weekend, Seth Rogen was trending on Twitter for what may be the most tone deaf and privileged response to crime in Los Angeles. YouTuber Casey Neistat tweeted on Wednesday that his car was broken into, and, in his anger, cursed out the city, prompting a response from Rogen.

Our friends at Twitchy picked up on the back and forth as well.

Many took note of how privileged and out of touch Rogen appeared as a result.

It's worth noting that Eric Leonard reported in June for NBC Los Angeles that "2021 Violent Crime in Los Angeles Continues to Outpace Recent Years." In July, Hillel Aron reported for Los Angeles Magazine that "‘It’s a Puzzle’: Experts Are Trying to Figure Out What’s Causing L.A.’s Crime Wave."

A lot of people come at me and talk shit on Twitter hoping I’ll engage with them publicly and give them attention, but instead I DM them and tell them to go fuck themselves privately. It’s a lot more fun.

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 25, 2021

Rogen also tweeted on Wednesday that he privately messages people on Twitter to engage with them.

Someone call the medical examiner. Seth Rogen just got murdered.

— ???????? ?????? (@CasuallyGreg) November 25, 2021

I can confirm that Seth Rogen is as dumb via DM as he is on his timeline.

— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) November 26, 2021

My official statement on Seth Rogan telling me to “Get fucked!”

— Angelo Isidorou (@angeloisidorou) November 25, 2021


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