Thursday, June 30, 2022

Joe Biden Not Happy That Everyone Is Pretty Much Saying He Shouldn't Run Again

It's not as cutthroat as it should be, obviously. This is a Democratic president. The liberal media will handle him with kid gloves, but the cumulative effect is showing up regarding stories about Biden 2024. 

The New York Times has multiple stories about how Joe Biden running in the next presidential election is causing heartburn among the rank-and-file in the Democratic Party. The anxiety is not unwarranted. Biden is dealing with an inflation crisis we haven't seen since Jimmy Carter. Gas prices are out of control, and Joe's plan to get the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to produce more oil in the coming days got blown up by the French president this week. Within earshot of the media, Emmanuel Macron bluntly told Biden that the UAE is at capacity and that Saudi Arabia can't produce much more. 

Biden got owned again, another sign that this man is simply too old, stupid, and slow to be president. 

His blaming of Russia for the price hikes is simply not believable to the vast majority of us who aren't suffering from dementia. And like people afflicted with this condition, they get angry. They lash out that they cannot keep up, which is how Joe is reacting to the members of his party who are not on board with him running for re-election. Take the hint, Joe. You're cancer (via NYT): 

Earlier this month, when Senator Bernie Sanders said he would not challenge President Biden in 2024, Mr. Biden was so relieved he invited his former rival to dinner at the White House the next night.

Mr. Biden has been eager for signs of loyalty — and they have been few and far between. Facing intensifying skepticism about his capacity to run for re-election when he will be nearly 82, the president and his top aides have been stung by the questions about his plans, irritated at what they see as a lack of respect from their party and the press, and determined to tamp down suggestions that he’s effectively a lame duck a year and a half into his administration.

Mr. Biden isn’t just intending to run, his aides argue, but he’s also laying the groundwork by building resources at the Democratic National Committee, restocking his operation in battleground states and looking to use his influence to shape the nomination process in his favor.

This account of Mr. Biden’s preparation for re-election and his building frustration with his party’s doubt is based on interviews with numerous people who talk regularly to the president. Most spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. But several said the president and his inner circle were confounded by Democrats’ discussions about a Plan B when the one person who has defeated Donald J. Trump has made clear he intends to run again.

Mr. Biden has told advisers he sees a replay of the early days of his 2020 primary bid, when some Democrats dismissed him as too old or too moderate to win the nomination. He blames the same doubters for the current round of questioning.

Those skeptics grew louder over the weekend, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, when Mr. Biden restated his opposition to expanding the ranks of the high court, the left’s preferred solution to the court’s current conservative tilt. The remarks angered critics who argue that the president, who has never been comfortable elevating abortion rights and positions himself as a consensus builder, doesn’t have the temperament for partisan combat.

Yeah, except there's a track record of failure now. Serial failure. We're not too far removed from the day when it's officially declared that we're in a recession. 

We have a gas price fiasco at the pump, inflation running rampant, a southern border that's in chaos, a baby formula shortage, and anemic economic growth. Biden is very much acting like John McCain in the fall of 2008 when he said the fundamentals of our economy were strong as the nation was bleeding some 800,000 jobs a month due to the financial crisis. He thinks he's doing a stellar job, which is not shocking coming from a man whose mind is half-eaten by worms. 

It all started when he botched our exit from Afghanistan. That's when the approval poll dip began. It's now in the mid-30s. Biden is more unpopular than Trump was at this point in his presidency. That's all you need to know. The man has done more for Ukraine than for America. In a period where everyone is war-weary and through with endless conflict, this isn't an election night dividend. 

No one wants you around, Joe. Obama tried to warn you when he said you didn't have to run. He knew you didn't have what it takes to be president. 


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