Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The 'Trump Grabbed the Steering Wheel' Story Just Got Hurled Into the Furnace

Wait, it was a lie. That “bombshell” January 6 hearing that no one watched was a total circus. Oh my—who knew that would happen. Of course, this was a myth-peddling fiasco. Of course, everything this ex-Trump aide was a lie. First, this must be the most powerful aide I’ve ever seen. Cassidy Hutchinson was the star witness yesterday, and she apparently was everywhere. Did she have access to the Situation Room? She was reportedly a trusted aide to Mark Meadows, so she told tall tales of Trump assaulting a Secret Service agent and trying to grab the wheel of the US presidential state car. He wanted to go to the US Capitol that day (via NY Post):

— The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) June 28, 2022

Cassidy Hutchinson recalled how White House aides told her that President Donald Trump told Secret Service agents to take him to the Capitol on Jan. 6 and grabbed the steering wheel of "The Beast" when they said they couldn't.

She said Trump thought he was going to the Capitol after his speech at the "Stop the Steal" rally on the Ellipse.

But when that idea was rejected, Trump "had a very angry response to that ... the president said something to the effect of 'I'm the f--king president, take me to the Capitol now.'"

Hutchinson said Secret Service agents told him to take his hands off the steering wheel, at which point he lunged for the neck of one of the agents.

Oh, and Trump threw dishes and other stuff that’s Sesame Street stuff. Who cares? Also, it’s not true. The Secret Service agents involved want to come forward to testify under oath that everything Hutchinson said was a complete and total lie:

?? A source close to the Secret Service tells me both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limousine/SUV driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel.

— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) June 28, 2022

BREAKING: Former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann says that it is not true that Cassidy Hutchinson wrote the handwritten note that she testified on Tuesday that she wrote. He says it's not true because he was the one who wrote the note.

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 29, 2022

She knows what she’s doing. She’s 25. She’s been in the swamp long enough to know that what she’s doing will secure her a nice book deal and a media contract with MSNBC or CNN. There’s no way Trump lunged at agents and tried to take command of the presidential motorcade. Please.

— The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) June 28, 2022

— Magills (@magills_) June 28, 2022

— The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) June 29, 2022

Nothing that Hutchinson said, if anyone watched it, was believable. Is she hoaxing like Christine Blasey Ford and Jussie Smollett? Time will tell, but the agents who were there with the former president that day say she’s lying.

I think I just heard a shot from the grassy knoll, and this narrative just suffered a fatal headshot.

Back and to the left. BACK! And to the left.

And this is also very interesting:

The corrupt J6 committee’s new SURPRISE WITNESS was so appalled by Trump and J6 that she…was planning to go work for Trump at his FL residence eight days *after* January 6 (article was published on January 14, 2021).

This Soviet show trial is a joke.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 28, 2022


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