Friday, July 1, 2022

Fox News Poll: Pride in US down significantly

Poll reveals which political party is most patriotic — and shows national pride has seen big drop off

National pride is down, with majorities of Republicans and independents and nearly half of Democrats feeling dissatisfied with their country, according to the latest Fox News survey.

The poll, released Thursday, asks registered voters, "are you proud of the country today," to which just 39% say "yes." That is down 12 points from June 2017 (the last time the question was asked) and 30 points since June 2011. 

While the question has only been asked four times, this marks the first time a majority feels disappointed in the country:  56% aren’t proud, up from 45% in 2017 and 28% in 2011.  


Percent of Americans who are proud of the United States

Percent of Americans who are proud of the United States (Fox News)

Independents and Republicans reversed their positions since 2017, while formerly "not proud" Democrats are now on the fence.

In 2017, Republicans (by a 31-point margin) and independents (by 4 points) were proud.  Today, both groups feel disenchanted with the country, GOPers by 24 points and independents by 35.

Democrats were 17 points more likely to be disappointed in the country in 2017, while now they split: 46% are proud and 48% aren’t.

Percent of Americans proud in their country by political party

Percent of Americans proud in their country by political party (Fox News)

Men also reversed positions. They were more likely to be proud in 2017 by 22 points, whereas now they are not proud by 14 points.   Women were dissatisfied in 2017 and remain so today, but by a much wider margin, they were not proud by 9 points five years ago vs. 21 points today.

Black voters remain in the "not proud" column, though the margin is shrinking: from a 28-point margin five years ago to a 9-point margin today.

The opposite is true of Hispanic voters, who moved from proud of the U.S. by 18 points in 2017 to not proud by 24 points today. 

Percent of Americans proud in their country by demographic

Percent of Americans proud in their country by demographic (Fox News)

"Whereas once being proud of America was treated as a prerequisite for being patriotic, that too has been subsumed by partisanship.  It seems for many pride and patriotism are no longer about our democratic freedoms but about the person in the White House," says Democratic pollster Chris Anderson who conducts the Fox News poll with Republican Daron Shaw.

Conducted June 10-13, 2022 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,002 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a national voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The total sample has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points. 

Conducted June 10-13, 2022 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,002 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a national voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The total sample has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.  



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