Saturday, July 2, 2022

NY Gov Race a 'Taste' of Dems' National Agenda

Rep. Lee Zeldin | AFL-CIO

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., the New York state Republican gubernatorial nominee, told Newsmax Friday that the race for the top office in that state with incumbent Democrat Kathy Hochul is just "a taste" of the national Democratic agenda.

"It's part of the [President Joe] Biden- [Vice President Kamala] Harris agenda for the entire country," Zeldin said during "Eric Bolling: The Balance" Friday. "They want to implement cashless bail. You have rogue [district attorneys] in Manhattan, refusing to enforce the law, like Alvin Bragg, who I would fire on Day One.

"It's a policy that they're looking to bring national with regards to their approach to criminal justice across the entire nation. So, this debate in New York in many respects is a taste of what the left is looking to bring to the entire country."

Hochul took office as governor Aug. 24, 2021, after Andrew Cuomo resigned amid scandal after several women came forward with allegations of sexual harassment and assault, according to Ballotpedia.

Zeldin said the state is reeling from a rise in crime, higher taxes driving businesses out of the state, and enacting far-left legislation on abortions and gun control, which should show voters nationally what the Democrats plan to do should they retain power in the midterm elections.

"I think she's in over her head. She's a walking identity crisis," he said. "She's pandering to tax-and-spend, pro criminal liberals. It’s one-party Democratic rule up in Albany, and they're taking our state in the wrong direction, so we lead the entire country in population loss. They keep raising taxes. They keep jacking up spending."

Zeldin said that when businesses leave New York, they just don’t move to other states, but leave the country entirely.

He said that he is bolstered by the fact that historically the party in power does not fare well in the midterm elections and that Democrats control the government in Washington D.C, Albany, and New York City, but that party is not polling well, even among its own members.

"Independents right now are polling to the right and are more enthusiastic about voting Republican, and there's also a growing amount of disenfranchised Democrats," he said.

Zeldin said he is going to take the fight to Hochul during the campaign.

"I think that New Yorkers across all walks of life, regardless of party, regardless of county and region, they realized that, at this moment, while this isn't rock bottom yet, we will experience rock bottom if Kathy Hochul gets four years," he said. "We're going to bring the fight to her and we're going to emerge victorious."


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