Thursday, December 29, 2022

Alina Habba: Dems Just Expose Bidens by Releasing Trump Taxes

Trump is owed a $1 million tax refund for his Chicago skyscraper but local  officials are trying to block it

Democrats are going to rue the day they release former President Donald Trump's tax returns, because those are already heavily scrutinized by accountants, lawyers, and the IRS, but ultimately this opens the door for exposing financial corruption of the Bidens, according to Trump's attorney Alina Habba on Newsmax.

"I don't think it's making me as angry because now I think what they've done is something that they haven't thought through as usual," Habba told Wednesday's "Eric Bolling The Balance." "The Democratic Party didn't think through this all the way.

"So now you've forced Trump to give the tax returns. Released them – great. Guess what we're going to do now? We want to see Hunter's. I want to see Joe's, and I want to see the income stream from China. I want to see what was about the Hunter Biden laptop."

Friday's planned release of Trump's tax returns is not unlike the disparate treatment of the presidential records of former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama compared to Trump, Habba added to host Eric Bolling.

"Well, when you do that, you create a new standard of law that can be applied toward the current and future presidents, whether they're Democratic or Republican, so they're not thinking this through," Habba warned.

"President Trump had a tremendous amount of accountants and teams that worked on his tax returns. He's got nothing to hide. And if anything, Trump is a very intelligent man that used the IRS and their code to the fullest extent, which I'm sure you know he was well within his rights to do as any American is."

On the House Jan. 6 Select Committee criminal referrals to the Justice Department, Habba rejected it as political theater, because the Biden DOJ is already investigating their chief political rival like a banana republic does.

"If there's going to be an indictment of former president I think that's a very frightening thing for our country for somebody who just said to go out peacefully and patriotically," Habba said. "Trump has been under what he calls political and legal witch-hunts since the day he announced he was going to run for office in 2015 – never mind what happened when he got into office and Russia hoax and so on and so forth. I could list them for days.

"But the truth is that its political and I always say this and I can't say it enough: The country is sick and tired of seeing – honestly, I think the country is sick and tired of politics, to be honest – and I think they just want us to have a country that is one where you can disagree.

"You don't have to make the DOJ and the FBI and the CIA weaponized against somebody because he's your biggest political threat, and he's leading in the polls. That is an unnecessary and un-American way to operate."

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