Wednesday, December 14, 2022

AOC's New Climate Film Hits Iceberg, Sinks Into the Abyss

America, prepare for another Oscar-worthy performance from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

If you weren’t dropping a kidney stone or having a wisdom tooth extracted, I have an entertainment suggestion for you. Now playing in theaters across the frozen plain is an AOC’s new documentary, titled “To The End.” She stars in her blockbuster of a doom-and-gloom documentary and narrates the 2-minute trailer.

The trailer opens with the urgent twangs of a guitar, like the beat of a racing heart. AOC begins by telling us “Fighting for change politically requires faith.” It then jumps into vignettes and clips of people holding signs and yelling (there’s a lot of yelling). The soundtrack seems to be playing gospel music that is reminiscent of the civil rights movement…

“ain’t nobody gonna hold us down. Gonna climb that mountain…”

A young woman tells an MTV reporter that “we are building an army of young people to stop the climate crisis and create millions of good jobs for our generation.” It’s a line she likely has cranked out thousand times without any pushback.

It’s also vapid. She and her cohort army aren’t going to stop the climate from changing, and they are not going to create millions of good jobs.

It moves on to more people carrying signs (and more yelling). Also more shots of AOC looking “smart” wearing her oversized glasses while making silly pronouncements like “Some of us actually have to live in the future that you all are setting on fire.”

The film highlights climate activists like Rhiana Gunn-Wright making overbroad and silly pronouncements like:

As long as you can poison people without consequence, there will always be a loophole that the fossil fuel industry can exploit.

Gunn-Wright leads research at the intersection of climate policy, public investment, public power, and racial equity. While her voice plays the above, she’s driving a car. The interior of the car surrounding Ms. Gunn-Wright contains a whole lot of fossil fuel plastics.

The trailer goes on to yell some more and carry more signs and make more silly statements and cuts to a couple more clips of AOC agitating and making silly statements.

Critics gave “To The End” glowing reviews. Even the few “bad” reviews were apologetic for not liking it. 83 percent of critics gave it positive reviews like “‘To the End’ is set to ignite more Americans to take action.”

Yeah…maybe not.

“To The End” made an average of $80 per screening. AOC has her fans but, apparently, all of them have seen her act and the rest of America isn’t interested. Even if she had a point, releasing a film at the start of a cold winter while you claim the earth is burning up seems, well, ill-timed.

I spent two minutes of my time, bringing you this “review.” It’s two minutes I won’t get back.

You’re welcome.


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