Friday, December 23, 2022

Ben Carson: US Has Undergone 'Massive Change' (Wrong Way)

Ben Carson Issues Apology for Plagiarism in His Book - ABC News

The United States has undergone many massive changes since Joe Biden became president, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson told Newsmax Thursday.

"It's been a massive change ... you can go to any variety of areas," Carson told "Eric Bolling The Balance."

"We were energy independent. We were a net exporter of energy. We controlled our own destiny. That had a tremendous impact upon the economy upon, you know, transportation of goods that affects every American family," Carson said.

Carson also raised the issue of the open southern border, saying that it was the "safest in several decades" during the Trump administration. "We had control. That's completely gone now," Carson stated.

"You look at the ballooning national debt," Carson continued. "Somebody has to pay for that. Why does no one care about those who are coming after us, about future generations and about the quality of their life when so much of their earnings is going to have to go to service the debt?

"These are things that are changing extraordinarily rapidly; and we don't seem to be doing anything about it, so I'm very concerned," Carson added.


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