Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Biden Shows He's Completely Clueless With Title 42 Remarks, as He Jets Off on Yet Another Vacation

As we reported earlier, the Supreme Court dealt a blow to Joe Biden’s effort to get rid of Title 42. The Court ruled in favor of 19 Republican attorneys general and against the Biden administration, to keep Title 42 temporarily to be able to expel asylum seekers based on the COVID health emergency. It also set oral arguments in the case for February and they anticipate making a final decision on the matter in June.

Many people on the right were relieved that that would put on hold an even greater influx of illegal aliens into the country, although they thought that the Biden administration should be dealing with the problem and enforcing the laws already on the books to stop the flood.

Biden of course didn’t care about the problem. He said that he thought that, while they had to comply with the Court’s decision, lifting Title 42 was “overdue.”

President Biden reacts to Supreme Court keeping Title 42 in place for now:

“The court is not going to decide until June apparently, and in the meantime we have to enforce it— but I think it’s overdue.” (Video shot by @DJJudd)

— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) December 27, 2022

“The court is not going to decide until June apparently, and in the meantime, we have to enforce it— but I think it’s overdue.” In other words, he doesn’t care if it’s going to make the illegal immigration problem exponentially worse.

Biden couldn’t get the message straight with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Last week, after the lower court ruled they had to lift Title 42 (what Biden wanted), they tried to pretend that it was the lower court forcing them to do it, even though they were asking the court to do it.

KJP: We have no choice, a court order says we have to lift Title 42 in the middle of a border crisis!

REPORTER: "But the administration sought to lift it."

KJP: "But it's a court order."

REPORTER: "Started by you guys."


— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) December 19, 2022

While Joe Biden claimed they would comply with the Court’s decision, he’s already basically largely ignoring Title 42, and only expelling about 1/3 of the people that he could be under it.

Holiday News Dump Tries to Hide Massive Surge in Border Migration Also, fewer than 1/3 of border-jumpers were expelled under Title 42 — Biden's slowly eliminating it regardless of what the courts say.

— Mark Krikorian (@MarkSKrikorian) December 27, 2022

That’s one of the reasons things have been getting worse. Yet Joe Biden can’t be bothered to even go to the border, much less do anything about it. He says he’s “too busy” to go. But he isn’t too busy to go off on his umpteenth vacation, more than any of his recent predecessors, as the border crisis gets worse, and the deaths and travel delays mount from the severe weather that has hit much of the country. Biden is off for another taxpayer-funded trip until after New Year to St. Croix with other members of the family. You can see what looked like his granddaughter and her new husband in the back heading for the helicopter with Jill. Both of them were living at the White House at last check at the time of their recent wedding.

As he jets off for fun in the sun, the states are just left to deal with the mess he’s left behind. It would be hard to have worse optics, as he jets off.


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