Friday, December 16, 2022

Latest Spending Audit Reinforces Call for New Republican Leadership

Our own Jennifer Van Laar had it first at RedState. After three lackluster election cycles, you’d think someone at the Republican National Committee would have the sense of accountability to step away. But this is politics, where none of that exists, so the Republicans will likely reelect the same folks who oversaw this disastrous 2022 midterm cycle because the gravy from this train is just too sweet. Yet, Van Laar did an audit of the RNC’s finances, and it was an unwelcome throwback to the days of former chairman Michael Steele when the committee was busted for blowing cash on strippers.   

Like in 2010, the RNC spent like drunken sailors on worthless items, reinforcing the call for new blood in its leadership. It should also infuriate the legions of loyal Republicans who give monthly to the national committee. As we’ve known for a while, these funds aren’t helping the party; they’re being used for private jets, lavish dinners, and Broadway shows. The cost of these expeditions soars into the millions of dollars (via RedState): 

Late last week, RedState was provided a report dated October 7, 2022 that examined RNC’s 2021-22 spending. It calculated more than $500,000 in private jet expenses, $64,000 at clothing retailers, and $321,000 in floral arrangements.

To determine how that compared with the rest of Ronna McDaniel’s tenure, RedState examined RNC expenditures from 2017 through 2022. In addition to a review of Federal Elections Commission (FEC) data, RedState spoke with current vendors, state party officials familiar with the workings, former staffers (some from McDaniel’s tenure, and some who worked for prior chairs), and several current RNC members to verify numbers and dates. Most were only willing to discuss the matters on background, and all were promised anonymity to avoid potential retaliation. 

It is difficult to accurately categorize all of the expenditures because a significant number of transactions seem to be misclassified. For example, nearly $5,000 spent in 2022 at Lululemon, a luxury athletic apparel brand, was classified as “office expense,” as were two expenditures totaling $9,300 at Madison Square Garden in 2017.

Our review found that the amounts spent during the 2021-22 election cycle seem to have been par for the course and possibly even lower than previous portions of McDaniel’s tenure. According to FEC filings, since 2017, the RNC has spent:

  • $3.1 million on private jet services
  • $1.3 million on limousine/chauffeur services
  • $17.1 million on donor mementos
  • $750,000 on floral arrangements
  • $80,000 in alcohol-related expenditures

Nearly $400,000 has been spent on event tickets and other entertainment activities, including $30,000 for a private box at a Las Vegas Raiders game, $13,000 for Broadway shows, $9,400 at Madison Square Garden, and $43,000 at Top Golf locations in Texas, Nevada, Virginia, and Maryland.

According to a senior staffer, the private box Raiders game was part of a retreat for senior staff members. RNC funds were also used to fly the senior staffers and their plus-ones first-class to Las Vegas, and for their hotel rooms, food, and alcohol, the staffer says. 

We don’t talk about it as often, though maybe we should—but the party apparatus and its campaign arms have been sub-par for years. The internal shenanigans and the questionable formulas regarding the distribution of the fundraising hauls are all glaring issues about how the swamp is the swamp, no matter which party. Potomac syndrome can infect anyone, but the RNC should be audited over how it operated in 2022.  

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