Monday, December 26, 2022

Planned Parenthood Demands the Holidays Be Spent Promoting Their Bottom Line of Abortion

In case anyone needed any kind of reminder of how Planned Parenthood's preoccupations and priorities are abortion-centered, the abortion giant just recently reminded us all of this fact. The social media account for Planned Parenthood Action, their 501 c4 tweeted out how people could make the holidays all about abortion, encouraging them to sell their bottom line and talking point.

How ppl feel about abortion is based on their values + experiences with pregnancy, parenting, and planning their futures. Deeply personal stuff. Find common ground and speak about your own values + what keeps you in the fight.

— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) December 19, 2022

It is indeed the season for Christmas, with Hanukkah also falling the same time this year. The tweet was issued on the second night of Hanukkah. The holidays are supposed to be spent celebrating good times with family and friends, not for talking about abortion. Planned Parenthood acknowledges that abortion is a "personal" issue, in multiple tweets, hence why people often don't want to talk about it. They also acknowledge that it's "not always an easy convo," yet still encourages supporters to push it on what are likely unwilling friends and family members.

Bonus points if you want to point out hypocrisy: Why do lawmakers force people to carry pregnancies while opposing policies that help families thrive?

— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) December 19, 2022

The tweets get increasingly intense, as Planned Parenthood insists on a particular pro-abortion narrative, of "who should have power over our bodies." Of course, that point is easily counteracted by reminding that a woman is pregnant with an unborn child, another person and thus another body. Given that Planned Parenthood uses the term "people" instead of women, though, and their employees insist that it's not only women who can pregnant, even just using the proper terminology is likely to set off their supporters. 

Planned Parenthood also seems to be just begging their supporters to get into political fights, by awarding "Bonus points if you want to point out hypocrisy[.]" 

Who actually wants that? 

Even with such a thread as long as this one, Planned Parenthood doesn't bother including citations or going into any kind of further detail about how there are those who supposedly "force people to carry pregnancies while opposing policies that help families thrive." 

Another tweet also claims that "80% of people want abortion to be legal," though again, no citations are provided. The reality of how Americans feel about abortion in the United States is actually far more nuanced.

While Planned Parenthood supports virtually no regulations or restrictions on abortion, very few Americans actually share this view. According to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll from June, not long after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade with Dobbs v. Jackson, just 10 percent of respondents believe that states should allow for abortion "up to 9 months."

Far more favor abortion regulations in many circumstances and especially after a certain point in pregnancy.  That same poll found that a plurality, at 37 percent, believe states should allow abortion "only in cases of rape and incest."

The most recent poll from Harvard CAPS/Harris from this month also shows that the issue doesn't resonate with people as much as Planned Parenthood wants it to. For instance, "women's rights" fell in popularity as the most important issue facing the country today to just 11 percent, for a decline of -7. Ten other issues taken precedence. 

Gallup's historic trends on the issue also show that Americans have nuanced views on abortion. 

After this year, abortion is on a lot of people’s minds. It’s a good thing – it’s health care, and it’s normal. And the more we talk about it, the more we fight stigma and move toward protecting access.

— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) December 19, 2022

The last tweet in particular gained much attention, especially as Planned Parenthood made clear that their agenda is to promote abortion as much as possible, including and especially how it's "a good thing" and is supposedly "normal" and is "health care."

Planned Parenthood performs more abortions than any entity in the United States. Trends in their annual reports also show that as they receive more taxpayer dollars, their abortion numbers have also largely been going up, while more legitimate health care services go down.

"Planned Parenthood" was trending over Twitter in the days following the tweets as users called out the abortion giant. The $1.7 trillion omnibus also funds Planned Parenthood as a matter of "family planning," as Sarah highlighted

With any hope, you did not take Planned Parenthood's advice, and rather enjoyed the holiday season with your friends and loved ones. 

If there's any silver lining to be taken out of this, though, it's that at least Planned Parenthood remains transparent on how ghoulishly obsessed they are with abortion. 


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