Friday, December 30, 2022

Rep. Steube: Dems Don't Care About Anything but Political Power

U.S. Rep. Greg Steube returning to Washington after being hospitalized

Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., told Newsmax on Thursday that the Biden administration and Democrats "don't care" about anything but political power, which explains why President Joe Biden is vacationing in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, while Americans have been stranded in airports all week and freezing to death in the Northeast.

"Remember when Ted Cruz did this and the mainstream media just lit him up that he happened to be on vacation and went on vacation when the state of Texas was having some type of devastation and storm damage?" Steube said during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Chris Salcedo Show."

"Yet, he [Biden] has multiple crises to deal with. He's got the things that are happening on the border, he's got the things are happening in the Northeast, and he's just vacationing while, as you said, Rome burns, and they don't care."

In September, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that air travel would improve by the holiday season.

"I think [airline travel] will get better by the holidays," Buttigieg told CBS' "The Late Late Show." "We're really pressing the airlines to deliver better service. So many people have been delayed, been canceled. It has happened to me."

Steube said he did not have confidence that "Zero Experience Buttigieg" could straighten out the airline operational woes "because he was a mayor that apparently couldn't even fix foxholes in his city and was elevated to transportation secretary."

"We've had transportation chaos after transportation chaos in this country, from the railroad strike that almost shut down businesses all across our country to now this, and you hear nothing from his office," he said.

"You've got a bunch of secretary-level people that don't have the skills to be in the positions that they are," he continued. "You have a vice president that was picked solely based on her race.

"She's the border czar, yet we've had record fentanyl overdoses in our country, which is coming in from the southern border, almost five million apprehensions, 98 known terrorists, episode after episode of illegal crime all across our country, and you have nobody at the top demanding that all of this be changed."

The Florida Republican said there is no scrambling by the administration to fix the border because "that's exactly the plan."

"Look no further than this: Congress' S1, the Senate bill, and HR 1, in the House, would ... allow every illegal immigrant that is present in our country to vote, and they know that all of these illegals will vote for Democrats to allow more illegals and more of their family members to come into our country illegally and will do nothing to stop them.

"And that is a political objective of this administration and the Democratic Congress," he said.

"They don't care about your family member that just overdosed on fentanyl or your family member that was just raped by an illegal immigrant or any of that," he added. "They don't care."


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