Friday, December 30, 2022

Turns out Former Trump Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Is a 'Liar' and 'Opportunist' — or Does It?

While the story remains the same — one former Trump White House official accusing another former Trump official of lying about the 2020 presidential election — the players on both sides often change. In this episode, former White House Director of Strategic Communications Alyssa Farah Griffin accused Kayleigh McEnany, former White House press secretary and current Fox News co-host, of lying in Trump’s favor.

My headline is sarcastic, by the way.

Truth be told, I don’t know who’s lying and who isn’t — and neither does anyone reading this article, despite vehement claims to the contrary by those who confuse opinions with facts, so I’ll leave it at that.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, Griffin blasted McEnany as a “liar” and “opportunist” who intentionally misled the public by amplifying conspiracy theories about the “rigged” and “stolen” — per Donald Trump — 2020 presidential election. Via the Examiner:

In an interview with the Jan. 6 committee earlier this year, Griffin described what was going on behind the scenes in the White House in the days and weeks following former President Donald Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden in the 2020 election. Griffin recalled several of Trump’s closest aides supporting his claims that the election was stolen through widespread fraud, including McEnany.

Griffin, a Christian said McEnany, also a Christian, “is not an idiot.”

I am a Christian woman, so I will say this. Kayleigh is a liar and an opportunist. [She] is not an idiot. She knew we lost the election, but she made a calculation that she wanted to have a certain life post-Trump that required staying in his good graces. And that was more important to her than telling the truth to the American people.

“I mean, it did [work out for her],” Griffin said. “She got her Fox News gig. It worked out precisely how she’d always planned for it to, but she knew better.”

Interesting, given that a former White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews claimed McEnany tried to “actively” avoid Trump after the election because he was trying to convince her to discuss his election fraud claims from the White House podium, according to Business Insider.

I know that post-election, she did try to actively avoid the president [because he] wanted her to do briefings from the podium about the campaign, and wanted her to talk about Dominion.

Dominion Voting Systems, which provides election technology, was at the center of conspiracy theories about election fraud that were pushed by Trump and his allies. Dominion has since brought defamation lawsuits against several Trump allies, including Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell, and Sidney Powell, as well as a $1.6 billion defamation case against Fox News.

I often thought at the time it would be a bit odd that Dominion would fire off lawsuits against Trump allies’ conspiracy claims about the voting systems if they were even close to true. But, hey — what do I know, given that I had no predetermined opinion on the matter because facts matter more to me than politically biased opinions and conspiracy theories? [sarc]

Incidentally, Alyssa Farah Griffin worked as the White House strategic communications director for the Trump administration from April 2020 until December 2020. After the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, she blamed Trump for the attack and demanded that he resign the presidency.

So there you have it, gang. Argue among yourselves in the comment section, if you so desire, but please don’t break the furniture.


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